Be Ready

Today’s readings point us to “readiness.” The Lord is calling each of us to be ready at any moment to pray, fast, believe, and to follow Him. We see that God calls and sends chosen men from among many to be His messengers- to go and call people to Himself. Jonah was called to announce to the city of Ninevah that there was a need for repentance, or the city would be destroyed. Because of Jonah’s response to the calling of God to share His message, people fasted and made offerings and the city was spared. We see how important and effective Jonah’s willingness to carry out God’s work was!

In the Gospel, we read of John the Baptist, another important figure who calls out to the people for repentance. What does repentance mean? The Greek word used for repent is “μετανοεῖτε”, or “metanoeite” which means to think differently, or reconsider. Why did God inspire John to call the people to repent? In order that they would be ready to meet the Lord when He comes, with a pure heart and mind.

Am I ready to meet the Lord at this moment? If today the Lord called me by my name, is my own heart pure and clean? What do I need to reconsider in my own life or repent of?

God not only calls each of us to be ready, but He calls us in our ordinary lives, like he did the first Apostles, to be messengers, announcing the Good News of God to all people. He called Simon and Andrew, James and John, in the midst of their ordinary lives, to do something extraordinary, using imagery that would make sense to them. As fishermen, they knew the importance of catching fish- not only for their own livelihood but also for the sake of making food available to people. Now, Jesus asks them to become fishers of men, dedicating their whole lives to the Gospel to bring in many people to experience the Kingdom of God. They immediately left their nets, and followed Jesus, because they were ready for the Lord.

In what ways do I call others to faith? Does my life reflect my willingness to answer the Lord’s call to bring the Gospel to the world? What is one way I can be a fisher of men in the world today?

As we reflect on these invitations from the Lord, let us rejoice that He is still working among us, even today, and using our own gifts and talents to share the Good News! 

[Readings: Jn 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20]

Kelly Vardakas

My name is Kelly Vardakas, and I am a wife and mom of two girls ages 7 and 4. I have my Undergraduate and Master's Degrees in Catholic Theology and have been a Director of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of New York for 14 years. I also work with women and couples teaching Natural Family Planning, specifically the Creighton Model of FertilityCare. I am so grateful to God for so many wonderful blessings in my life and I am excited to share my faith with others!


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