Center for Cross-Cultural Catholic Evangelization
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On the Sanctity of Marriage
John the Baptist was a man that easily stood out from the crowd. He was a powerful preacher that spoke of a coming Messiah that would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. He lived in the desert and survived on locusts and wild honey. Today’s Gospel recalls that, despite his blunt attacks against the…
Read MoreDevotion to the Angels and the Saints
Catholics are being criticized for their devotion to the angels and the saints. Non-Catholics do not understand why anyone should ask the angels or the saints to intercede for them since Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. The first reading of today explains to us why we can ask the angels and…
Read MoreThe Lord Correct Us Out of Love!
When I was a kid, I received a lot of corrections from my parents, especially from my mother. Evidently, I did not like to be corrected or to be told “no”. I remember that one time (I must have been seven or eight years old), after receiving a strong correction (I do not remember what…
Read MoreHow Much Do You Want It?
Years ago, I engaged in a heated game of ultimate frisbee. During the match, one of the veteran players had the reputation for sprinting down the field, frisbee in hand, while crying aloud: “How much do you want it!?” Again and again, he’d shout throughout the game, “How much do you want it?!” Of course,…
Read MoreLiving in Expectation: Lessons from Simeon and Anna
In today’s Gospel passage (Luke 2:22-40), we encounter Simeon and Anna—two individuals who eagerly awaited the redemption of Israel. Their lives were marked by expectation and hope for the salvation of their people. As we reflect on the liturgical celebration of the Presentation of the Lord, these two themes—expectation and salvation—stand out. What struck me…
Read MoreA Conversation on Faith
This line from the Letter to the Hebrews struck me in a new way today: “All these died in faith. They did not receive what had been promised but saw it and greeted it from afar…” (Hebrew 11:13). Faith is the theme of today’s reflection. Pastoral ministry exposes a priest to the deepest human struggles.…
Read MoreHope and Perseverance
In his encyclical ‘Spes Salvi’ (Saved in Hope), Benedict XVI distinguished two words from our first reading today. These are “endurance” and “drawing back,” as our lectionary translation puts it. Endurance is perseverance, patiently enduring trials as to receive what God has promised. The Greek word used by the Letter to Hebrews corresponds to the…
Read MoreOn The Lampstand
I was recently in the hospital for some major surgery, and Praise be to God, things turned out okay . During this serious time, I put extra effort into putting my lamp on the lampstand (like in Mark’s writing of today), to let my light shine. I used Jesus’ name in the proper context, asked…
Read MoreSpeeches
The rapid evolution of digital media technologies presents unique opportunities and challenges for the Church in the digital landscape. During a theological conference (April 2-5, 2024) organized by a premier theological group in Nigeria (the Catholic Theological Conference of Nigeria, CATHAN), Fr. Maurice Emelu was invited to present a commissioned paper. He argued that transitioning from tool dependency to innovation is the surest way to advance the Church’s place and relevance in the digital ecosystem. Watch the presentation and be motivated.

GVM Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
To inspire, foster spiritual growth, and equip individuals and communities from diverse cultures to be active instruments of God's grace of love, healing, and unity in everyday life through accessible virtual and face-to-face resources.
Vision Statement
To be a leading Catholic cross cultural global center where individuals and communities draw inspiration, accessibility, and high-quality tools in living God's grace of love, healing, and unity in their everyday life.

Testimony of the Week
Share your faith testimony with us and have a chance for the world to hear and glorify God.

I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God—Psalm 40:1-3