Center for Cross-Cultural Catholic Evangelization

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Nurturing our Faith: The Call to Unity and Fruitfulness in Christ

By Fr. Alex Igbozuruike | September 13, 2024

Imagine a garden, teeming with diverse plants, each unique and beautiful in its own way. Some plants bloom quickly, while others take time to mature. The health of the garden depends on the quality of the soil and the care it receives. In a similar way, our lives as Christians are shaped by the condition…

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Blessings and Woes

By Fr. John Bosco Obiako | September 11, 2024

The evangelist Luke revisits the beautiful passage of the Beatitudes found in Matthew (5:2-12), simplifying it and adding four “woes” to the four blessings. Luke contrasts two lifestyles, turning our perspectives upside down. According to worldly logic, those who lead a comfortable life are considered blessed and fortunate, while Luke sees this as potentially disastrous…

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By Radhika Sharda, MD | September 10, 2024

What does it mean to be chosen, rather than to choose? The remarkable thing about the Christian life is that our faith begins not with our own yes to Christ, but His invitation to us. He takes the initiative, summoning us each to the life of faith and the work of mission. It is then…

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Becoming Perfect

By G K Zachary | September 9, 2024

Matthew 5:48 says, “Be perfect, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” For most of my life, I have had a very distorted view of this injunction to perfection. Sure, in a vague, amorphous sense, I understand the need to strive for these ideals. But therein lies the rub. How does an imperfect creature strive…

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The Miracle of Justice

By Sr. Olisaemeka Rosemary Okwara | September 8, 2024

Often, the question of the rule of law and the rule of love seem to clash or contradict one another. In 2015, many parts of the world, especially Europe, experienced an influx of migrants due to the conflict in Syria. Europe was challenged between self-protection, the rule of love, and neighbor-love. The question of accepting…

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On the Observance of the Sabbath

By Connor Szurgot | September 7, 2024

In today’s Gospel, Jesus refers to Himself as the “Lord of the Sabbath” and uses this authority to rebuke the Pharisees for their misplaced zeal in the observance of the Jewish Sabbath. Yet, His dominion over the Sabbath should also call us to reflect on our observance of the Sabbath and ask if we are…

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Stewards of God’s Mysteries

By Fr. Venatius Oforka | September 6, 2024

The first statement of St. Paul in today’s first reading reminds me immediately of the autobiography of Blessed Fulton Sheen, Treasure in Clay. This wonderful book and many other books of his, especially, The Priest Is Not His Own, helped immensely to deepen my insight into the Catholic priesthood. St. Paul writes in the mentioned…

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The Lord Always Knows Better!

By Fr. Justino Cornejo | September 5, 2024

I do not know about you, but growing up I thought that I knew better than anybody. When I had to do something, I worked out a plan or I decided a course of action, and I was convinced that they were the absolute best. Indeed, it was always hard for me to consider an…

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To Whom Do I Belong?

By Celina Manville | September 4, 2024

As humans, we love to categorize – both others and ourselves – into specific groups, whether it be our political affiliations, our sports team loyalties, our personality types, and even our worship preferences. Somehow, by defining these aspects of ourselves, we think we can communicate our identity more effectively. Yet, these labels actually cloud the…

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Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

GVM Charity Works

Each year we devote some resources to works of charity as the need may be in the countries and communities that meet the criteria for each year’s project. It's a way we show faith in action and lead as agents of grace in communities. Be part of leading by helping the needy in places of most need. 

Is there a situation that needs a helping hand where you are? Fill the form and describe it. You may be qualified for our annual charity support program.

Would you like to be part of our donors for works of charity? Please fill this form and we will contact you or simply donate

GVM 2021 Faith in Action Projects

Every year, we take up unique projects as part of our Faith in Action initiative. In 2021, the call for help from three situations of need caught our attention. The videos below explain what we have done in two of the situations, and what remains to be done. GVM—agents of grace in communities. 


The rapid evolution of digital media technologies presents unique opportunities and challenges for the Church in the digital landscape. During a theological conference (April 2-5, 2024) organized by a premier theological group in Nigeria (the Catholic Theological Conference of Nigeria, CATHAN), Fr. Maurice Emelu was invited to present a commissioned paper. He argued that transitioning from tool dependency to innovation is the surest way to advance the Church’s place and relevance in the digital ecosystem. Watch the presentation and be motivated.

How We Started

Our ministry was inspired by the vision of a well-known priest from the Catholic Diocese of Orlu in Nigeria, Father Maurice Emelu. He’s dedicated to sharing and living the Catholic message of love and grace in the spirit of joy in a cross-cultural way. Sharing in the same mission and values, we’re able to inspire many across cultures to be agents of grace and healing in their various communities.

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.
Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Core Values

We have five core values—cross-cultural, Christ-centered, grace-filled, love, and unity in diversity. 

We equip people to be active instruments of God’s love, healing, and unity. Hence our core values—Cross-cultural, Christ-centered, Grace, Love and Unity in Diversity

GVM Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

To inspire, foster spiritual growth, and equip individuals and communities from diverse cultures to be active instruments of God's grace of love, healing, and unity in everyday life through accessible virtual and face-to-face resources.

Vision Statement

To be a leading Catholic cross cultural global center where individuals and communities draw inspiration, accessibility, and high-quality tools in living God's grace of love, healing, and unity in their everyday life.

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Testimony of the Week

Share your faith testimony with us and have a chance for the world to hear and glorify God.

Fantastic reflection. Thank you for sharing it. — Lori Kayes
Amen 🙏...
This is really beautiful Fr. Maurice Emelu... God bless You always, I love Your beautiful heart... I love to help others when I can...—Kaye Roberson
Lord Jesus Christ, let your love rest upon us even as our hope rests on you 🙏🙏 Psalm 33vs22—Chidi O. Chidi 

I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God—Psalm 40:1-3

Psalm 119:11


I have laid up thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Kathleen DiNobile Campagnone


That was Beautiful! Thank you—a GREAT reading to begin my day! Thank you & God Bless🙏🙏

Revelation 12:10-11


Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. 11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.