Pay Attention to What I am Telling You

When reading today’s Gospel, it is important to have the context of what happens immediately preceding and following the verses. Immediately preceding the Gospel, our Lord casts out a demon that His apostles could not cast out. The apostles were “amazed at His every deed” (Lk 9:43). During the Gospel, our Lord tells His apostles…

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Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reason

Image showing kind gesture, feeding the hungry.

Today’s readings show the importance of both the external work and one’s interior disposition to make an act good. “to shun any brother who walks in a disorderly way and not according to the tradition they received from us. For you know how one must imitate us…. Rather, we wanted to present ourselves as a…

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God Works Through Us

On the Eucharist: God Works through Us

There were three parts of today’s Gospel that I think are very impactful to meditate with. First, the feeding of the five thousand foreshadows the Eucharist. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states “the miracles of the multiplication of the loaves, when the Lord says the blessing, breaks and distributes the loaves through his disciples…

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How to Ask God for Things

Asking God for Things

Today’s Gospel shows beautifully the proper way that we should ask God for things. “A leper approached, did him homage.” When asking for something, we should first praise God for His goodness and all the blessings He has given us. We should have the disposition that we expect Him to answer our prayer not because…

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How To Be a Little One

How to be a little one

“Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom.” -Mt 11:25 St. Therese of Lisieux wrote about the importance of making yourself little so that God can work. What does it mean to make yourself little? These two quotes below give a good idea…

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Remain in Me as I Remain in You

Closeup shot of a man praying in the dark

“It will suffice to tell you in a word: only your personal and profound union with Christ will assure the fruitfulness of your apostolate, whatever it may be.” -St Pope Paul VI These words capture the heart of today’s Gospel. No matter what your vocation is, if you do not have a deep relationship with…

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Love One Another As I have Loved You (John 13:34)

When I was praying about what to write for Holy Thursday, it was clear our Lord wanted me to share St. Therese’s commentary on His new commandment given at the Last Supper: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). Excerpt This excerpt is from Story of a Soul. St. Therese is meditating…

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How to Accept the Chalice

It is impossible to comprehend how incredible the Passion of our Lord is. God, Who is goodness itself, Who is completely and fully happy without creation, chose freely to create us. He did this not for His own benefit, but wholly for ours! He is so good that He desires to share Himself, our true…

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The Angelic Doctor

Today’s saint of the day is one of the church’s greatest theologians and a Doctor of the Church: St. Thomas Aquinas. It would be hard to overstate his impact on both the Church and the world. St. Thomas was born in Italy in 1225. When he was 19 years old, he entered the newly formed…

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Dying Well

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

In the first reading today, a mother sees her seven sons executed for refusing to violate one of the Jewish laws. After 6 of her sons are killed in front of her, the king asks her to convince her last son to violate the Hebrew law and eat pork. In exchange for his violation, the…

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