What Will Be Your Answer?

A girl sitting on the grass seeing the sunset view

The essence of examination is not only to test the students’ understanding of learned material, but to help them grow in their knowledge. And a teacher will always identify a good student from the way he/she approaches the question and from his/her answer. As a way of strengthening the students’ knowledge and impacting their lives,…

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Holding On to The Faith

Holding on to the faith and teachings of the Church is becoming increasingly more difficult in today’s world, due to contemporary societal pressure with its emphasis on individualism, moral relativism, and materialism, which is the brainchild of secularism. The secularized, neo-liberalized and pluralistic society promotes values that sometimes conflict with the Christian teachings, thereby evoking…

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Moving Towards a Supportive Humanity

Moving Towards a Supportive Humanity

A reflection on the importance of being supportive and nurturing growth in relationships and communities—supportive humanity. An adage states: “If you cannot help, do not hinder.” In today’s Gospel, Jesus shares the Parable of the Weeds, where a man sowed good seed in his field, but an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat,…

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The Benefits of a Good Foundation

Good foundation

A reflection on the importance of a strong foundation through the parable of the wise and foolish builders. Just as every house needs a solid foundation to stand firm, especially in times of hurricanes and floods, so do we need strong foundation. The biographies of many people are marked by violent quakes and catastrophes. As…

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Entrusting Ourselves to God’s Love

The Quest for Security- Lessons from Jesus

In a world often dominated by the pursuit of material wealth and personal security, the teachings of Jesus in today’s Gospel (Mark 10:17-27) offer a profound counter-narrative. This passage, which recounts the interaction between Jesus and the rich young ruler, provides a crucial lesson on where true security lies. The rich man’s quest for eternal…

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The God That Desires to Be Known

The Greek word γινώσκω (ginosko), meaning to know, is used 141 times in John’s Gospel. It is used in different ways, because there are different levels of knowing and different reasons for knowing something. The first stage is knowing a fact. The next level is understanding the truth. And the essence of this knowledge and…

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Trusting the Mercy of God

Close shot of a man sitting next to a wooden cross

We are closely approaching the Easter Season, a period marked with new life. Hence, many symbols (like the easter eggs or Bunny) with which we describe the Easter event, point to this newness of life. The Lenten season helps to prepare us for this new life. Regarding how this new life is possible, Pope Francis…

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Renewing Love: The Lenten period is a favorable time of renewal. Renewal is not merely with regard to the small sacrifices we make; it encompasses our entire life and being. We are called during lent to reconsider our relationship with God and neighbor. Needed Renewal This renewal of life goes through the renewal of our…

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Who Is This Man?

The Call of the Disciple: The call of the disciples at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry shows God’s decisiveness to establish his kingdom on earth. Jesus’ method was simple. First calling the disciples to be with him, and later to be sent out, to impact their world. Being with him is important to help…

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A Special Love

Christmas is a feast that demonstrates God’s love for us in a special way. The newborn child is the savior of the world. The purpose of God becoming human becomes clear as Jesus, the incarnate Son, willingly embarks on a journey that culminates in the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. The manger in Bethlehem finds…

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