You Have Rescued Me

You Have Rescued Me

What struck me most about today’s readings was the Responsorial Psalm. It speaks of gratitude for God’s deliverance, and we should all be grateful for that. The text also provides several examples of how we can benefit from God’s grace and power and be rescued. You Drew Me Clear The Lord can remove us from…

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Trajectory to a Goal

Bartimaeus and his path to achieving a goal

The Gospel by Mark today spoke to me about achieving a goal. The trajectory that the blind Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) took was exemplary. The level of detail about the man and his father struck me. The full family name was given so people could verify the “receipts” in future years and learn more about…

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Mercy and Kindness in Action

Works of Mercy

It was not long ago, when there were bumper stickers and wristbands with the term WWJD…short for “What Would Jesus Do.?”  The wristbands might be gone, but the need for mercy and kindness in the world never goes out of style. With the theme of mercy and kindness, and “what would Jesus do,” here are…

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I tend to root for the underdog. Everyone expects winners to win all the time, and that upsets will not happen. However, there are groundswells of support when underdogs start to have their day. The public rallies around the underdogs and support grows. In the USA, we have the annual Men’s College Basketball tournament, called…

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Waiting Is the Hardest Part

The title of this reflection is a song by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and sums up for me what the Saturday before Easter is about. Just yesterday, our rabbi, Messiah, miracle working, Son of God and friend has been scourged and publicly put to death in a humiliating and agonizing way. We have scattered…

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Three Ways

The Gospel today has Jesus crossing the sea, and a crowd was already gathered at his expected landing spot. News can travel fast. As Jesus disembarks and walks along the shore, the stage is set for three types of interactions with Jesus during this very eventful visit. See and Hear Him Crowds wanted the see…

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Christmas Eve

St. Joseph and the Holy Act of Discernment

Dear Gratia Vobis Readers, On this Eve of Christmas, on this Eve of our Savior’s birth, on this Eve of Light, we want to wish you all the best for the Christmas Season. Enjoy the time with your friends and family. Remain Blessed, Paul [Readings: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38]

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Candle of Joy

Actions Speak Louder than Words

Hello, Welcome to the 3rd week of Advent, and the week of the “pink candle”. The pink represents Joy, so please have a joyful Sunday. Remain Blessed, Paul [Readings: Is 61:1-2A, 10-11; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28]

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Good Centurion

Happy New Year to you! Happy New liturgical year, that is. We move on to Cycle B in the readings, and we will notice that our priests will have a change in color of their vestments. We’re not in ordinary time anymore. The advent candles will be brought into service. This is all part of…

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Humbled or Exalted?

Today we remember Saint Bishop Charles Borromeo. His major work was enhancing education of laity and the priesthood on the ways of the faith, as the church was experiencing challenging times during his life in the mid-1500s. He believed that by properly knowing our faith, we could properly practice our faith. It is rumored that…

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