It Worked in Ninevah, It Works Now

We see in today’s first reading that God was ready to destroy Ninevah because of the evil that was occurring there. Jonah was called by God to prophesy to the people that the city would be destroyed in 40 days. The people took this prophesy seriously and began to fast and make sacrifices to God, the king included! Most importantly- the king called everyone to TURN FROM THEIR EVIL WAY! Isn’t this our life’s work?

Just like the fast of that time, we are in the midst of our 40 day Lenten journey. This time is set aside for us to focus in on our own relationship with God. Where are we in need of conversion? What evil are we allowing to keep us from being faithful to God? Lent is a time of repentance, sacrifice, prayer and offering. This is not easy or comfortable, but it is not supposed to be. In doing these things, we make reparation for our sins, and ask God to forgive us for failing him. By our example, we prophesy to others that we are all in need of repentance, and can invite others to join the journey.

Through Lent, let us draw nearer to our Savior, and in doing so we can more deeply appreciate the Paschal Mystery- the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. What is God’s response to our efforts, if we do them sincerely? He did not carry out the chastisement of Ninevah. This points to God’s mercy! The ultimate Sign of God’s mercy is the Incarnation- as Jesus says in the Gospel- “there is something greater here.” God sends His only Son to save us from ourselves. To redeem us HIMSELF, to make us new, to give us the promise of LIFE! What could be greater? 

Let us keep our eyes on the Cross as we journey through these 40 days, in grateful thanksgiving to God for his love and goodness.

[Readings: Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32]

Kelly Vardakas

My name is Kelly Vardakas, and I am a wife and mom of two girls ages 7 and 4. I have my Undergraduate and Master's Degrees in Catholic Theology and have been a Director of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of New York for 14 years. I also work with women and couples teaching Natural Family Planning, specifically the Creighton Model of FertilityCare. I am so grateful to God for so many wonderful blessings in my life and I am excited to share my faith with others!

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