Faith in Times of Trial

Living through a pandemic has greatly altered many things in our lives, especially living in California. Before the pandemic began, my wife and I used to go to Adoration multiple times a week to reflect on our lives and discern where God was calling us. Once Adoration, indoor Mass and daily Confessions were taken away, our faith lives began to struggle. Instead of pushing through the adversity, we found ourselves spending more time complaining about the situation rather than finding new ways to grow in our faith.

Like Prison

I felt myself able to relate to Paul in today’s readings. Although we aren’t currently held prisoner like Paul was, we all faced obstacles in our faith lives during lockdowns. When in the midst of trials and tribulations, we must anchor our trust in Jesus Christ and help others do the same. There are many things in life we cannot control, but the one thing we can control is our faith. In prison, Paul was stripped of nearly everything, but the one thing they couldn’t take away from him was his desire to lead souls to heaven.

“He received all who came to him, and with complete assurance and without hindrance he proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Acts 28:31)

Overcome Obstacles

Paul’s ability to use his difficult situation to preach the Kingdom of God put things in perspective for me. Complaining about our situation doesn’t change the outcome, but offering it up to God and making the best of it often results in unexpected blessings. Paul touched many lives through both words and actions, even in the face of adversity. We are called to do the same.

Are you faithful to God in both good times and bad? What are you doing to overcome the obstacles in front of you, that are hindering your ability to profess your faith? How can you offer up difficulties for others?  Paul found a way, and I know that we can as well.

[Readings: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Jn 21;20-25]

Brett and Taylor Akins

Brett and Taylor Akins both had reversions to the Catholic faith while in their early 20s. The two married in May of 2020 and moved from Oklahoma to Bakersfield, CA. Their passion is teaching the youth about the lives of the Saints, and how we are all called to Sainthood. Brett and Taylor spend their free time hanging out with their huge Catholic family and volunteering as Confirmation teachers. You can email Brett and Taylor at [email protected].


  1. Arlene Braganza on May 26, 2021 at 2:35 pm

    Happy 1st wedding anniversary Brett and Taylor, and how cool that you too live in Bakersfield !! What parish do you attend?

    I go for (almost) daily Mass at St. Philip’s at 12:10 but my true home is St. Francis of Assisi parish.

    Beautiful reflection !!

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