The Narrow Gate

There were two rules I clearly remember my parents and grandparents ingraining into my head as a little kid:

1. Look both ways before you cross the street

2. Do unto others whatever you would have them do unto you (Matthew 7:12)

I heard my grandmother’s voice instantly as I read the golden rule #2 in today’s readings. I think it transitions perfectly into the very next verse. “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13)

The Rules

I remember being in high school and getting into arguments with one of my neighbors about our Catholic faith. We were both born and raised Catholic, but butted heads on some controversial topics in the church. We’d be gathered with friends, and he’d love to push my buttons. My friends would often tell me to calm down and “be nice”.

It wasn’t that I was being mean, it was that the other person was not informed on official church teaching. They were mad at my “rules”, but those weren’t my rules, they were the Church’s. Yeah, it would’ve saved me a lot of frustration to just give up and let my friend think whatever he wanted to think. However, that wouldn’t be following the golden rule and it for sure wouldn’t be helping him on getting through the narrow gate.

Necessary Conversations

I’ve seen time and time again where church teaching divides people. It can even pit family members against each other. A common argument is “well Jesus wants us to get along.” Jesus does want us to get along, but not when it comes to condoning sin.

I don’t know about you, but I want to get to Heaven. And if I’m making decisions that are preventing me from getting there whether on purpose or out of ignorance, I’d hope my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ would let me know. And so, I should do the same for my friends and loved ones who I want to rejoice in Heaven with someday. As Jesus said himself, those who enter the narrow gate and find the road to life are few.

This may put some people out of their comfort zone or bring up topics with friends and family that are hard to have, but those may be necessary to save them from going down a path of destruction. If you love them and want to see them in Heaven, those conversations need to happen.

How can you bring the truth to someone who needs to hear it today? Let us ask St. Michael for his protection in any battles we may face and allow his courage to guide us.

[Readings: Gn 13:2, 5-18; 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5; Mt 7:6, 12-14]

Brett and Taylor Akins

Brett and Taylor Akins both had reversions to the Catholic faith while in their early 20s. The two married in May of 2020 and moved from Oklahoma to Bakersfield, CA. Their passion is teaching the youth about the lives of the Saints, and how we are all called to Sainthood. Brett and Taylor spend their free time hanging out with their huge Catholic family and volunteering as Confirmation teachers. You can email Brett and Taylor at [email protected].

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