Get Ready

As a mother with two young children, one of the biggest challenges is “getting them ready” in the morning. I repeatedly say, “Get ready, get ready” and rarely do I only have to say it once. It is part of the human condition; we need to be constantly reminded of what we need to do, and God does just that in His Word.

In the Gospel today, Jesus is telling us through this parable, “Get Ready.”

The reality is, we do not know when He is coming, whether we experience our own death, or the final judgement, and we must be ready. St. Paul tells us how, in the first reading. He says to us that holiness is what God has called us to, not impurity. God never fails to pour out His Holy Spirit on us when we strive to live our lives in accord with His will.

Growing in Holiness Each Day

What are some practical ways for growing in holiness each day?

First, prayer in the morning, even if brief, must be the way we start our day. Lately I have been starting my day with the Liturgy of the Hours and then, praying with the Daily Readings. I strive to pray the Rosary daily, to read some writings of a saint, and end the day with more Scripture and prayer. We can offer our work and chores to God as well! A daily examen is something we can do before ending our day, to reflect on God’s mercy- Where have I failed today, and how then, with His grace, can I do better tomorrow?

We pray through St. Monica’s intercession, asking for her help as we strive for daily conversion. We know from her example that prayer changes things, draws us closer to God, and prepares us when it is our time to “be ready!”

[Readings: 1 Thes 4:1-8; Mt 25:1-13]

Kelly Vardakas

My name is Kelly Vardakas, and I am a wife and mom of two girls ages 7 and 4. I have my Undergraduate and Master's Degrees in Catholic Theology and have been a Director of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of New York for 14 years. I also work with women and couples teaching Natural Family Planning, specifically the Creighton Model of FertilityCare. I am so grateful to God for so many wonderful blessings in my life and I am excited to share my faith with others!

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