The Grace of Apostleship

Last night I had an incredible opportunity to attend an event hosted by a conservative Christian non-partisan, lobbying organization group that is firm on defending the values of traditional family, life at conception, and religious freedom. My mind is still spinning from the energy and passion the guest speakers spoke with at the event. I witnessed true apostleship and was particularly struck by a few things. I was convicted as well. After reading today’s first reading and gospel, you will see how last night’s event speeches and the readings about apostleship fit well together. God’s timing always inspires me.

Into the Trenches of Life

First, the speeches emphasized that as a people we have become very comfortable siting in our pews. We very easily and safely sit behind a computer screen and complain about the state of the world. However, few go out into the trenches and do the dirty work. So often, we expect someone else to do the labor. We are not going to change the hearts of others by idly sitting by and watching.

Love is Truth

Next, love is not about feelings. Love is truth. Let me say that again, love is not about feelings. Love is truth. Truth is in the word of Jesus Christ. We cannot just stay comfortable and allow our feelings to guide our hearts and minds. We must remain diligent in the word of God and stand firm in truth. All the feelings in the world will not get us to heaven. Yet, living out the gospel and submitting to the Commandments is a road map to our eternal salvation and the salvation of our loved ones and neighbors.

Go Forth

The first reading talks about apostleship. “Through Him we have received the grace of apostleship, to bring about the obedience of faith, for the sake of his name.” We are equipped to go forth and bring God’s word to others. We are “set apart” the gospel tells us. Apostle means “messenger or one who delivers.” We must not fear. We must do more, speak up, and act to deliver God’s message to the world.

The gospel talks about what an evil generation it is. 2,000+ years ago. Incredible, right? It is fitting for today as well. God’s word is timeless. It pertains to us just as much today as it did when it was written. We are witnessing pure evil all around us. Yet, we know how the story ends. We know love prevails. Brothers and sisters, we must do what is right and speak up for what is just even if we are the only ones doing it. God did not make us for comfort. This is not going to be easy. But He is with you. He will stand behind you. He will give you the strength and the means to do His holy will. We are called to be holy.

[Readings: Rom 1:1-7; Lk 11:29-32]

Joanne Huestis-Dalrymple

Joanne Huestis-Dalrymple is a freelance writer residing in Wake Forest, NC. She is a wife and mother of eight, plus two in heaven. Joanne coaches the St. Thomas More Academy swim team and is a member of the school’s CrossFit team. Joanne has a devotion to our Blessed Mother and she enjoys reading, writing, gardening and going on adventures with her big family.


  1. Jeanmarie Foreman on October 11, 2021 at 11:25 am

    Perfectly said and very inspiring! thank you for this beautiful reflection, I will take those words to heart and hopefully do my part!

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