Jesus Is with Us

Drawing In

In today’s gospel we read about the crowds who were following Jesus. They were reaching out to touch him. They were pressing in on Him. Can you imagine the multitudes being so overwhelming that Jesus had to get in a boat so that He would not be crushed? So that everyone could see and hear him? Let’s reflect on this.

Why were people so drawn to Jesus? Because they knew that He had what no one else could give them.

Are you drawn to Jesus? Do you spend time everyday drawing near to Him? How do you do this?

What is burdening you that draws you to press in on Him like one of those people in the crowd? Do you believe like they did that He could take care of you? That He can heal you, renew your spirit, answer your prayers in the way that He knows best?

In Communion

Sometimes I wish I could have been one in the crowd and seen Jesus with my own eyes when He was here on earth in the flesh. But then I remember that Jesus has never left us, and He is still present to us in the Holy Eucharist.

Each time we attend Mass, the same Jesus is within our reach. Each time we take the Eucharist, we are in communion with the Lord. We are not just a number or one in the crowd but become his dwelling place where we can have access to Him in a profound way. It is after receiving Holy Communion that we should receive with gratitude the greatest gift, but also spend time pouring our heart and soul out to the Lord. He wants to heal us in the same way he did for people back then. He wants to remove anything unclean in us. He wants us to be inwardly reflective and spend quiet time with Him.

As it says in the Psalm for today, we know God is with us! Let us rejoice in the Lord and give Him thanks for His goodness!

[Readings: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7; Mk 3:7-12]

Kelly Vardakas

My name is Kelly Vardakas, and I am a wife and mom of two girls ages 7 and 4. I have my Undergraduate and Master's Degrees in Catholic Theology and have been a Director of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of New York for 14 years. I also work with women and couples teaching Natural Family Planning, specifically the Creighton Model of FertilityCare. I am so grateful to God for so many wonderful blessings in my life and I am excited to share my faith with others!

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