Where To Turn for True Refreshment

We were so blessed in His company, in those days. He called each of us, out of our former lives, into His circle where we watched Him healing, teaching, and praying. From that first moment at the water’s edge, I knew Who our Master was. I knew that we were disciples of the promised One of the Lord, of the Messiah – come to our people at last! Even before that great mass of fish landed, almost sinking our boats, even as I found myself agreeing to cast another net out because he told me to, I knew Who He was. What else should I do but fall down on my knees before the Christ?

Fishers of Men

I did understand what those fish meant to me. All too soon He was telling me to cast more nets out with my brother. These nets were to catch people, however, as he had told me from that time. He would not let us equip ourselves for mission. We were sent out as poor men like John the Baptizer, to face whatever reception the wayward people gave us. But as He spoke to each of us in turn, He laid His hand on us and we perceived that power, the power we had seen flowing from His lips and hands as He prayed and taught and healed people each day. We streamed out from His side as a gushing stream of divine power coming from the Lord, calling out to each other as we moved away two by two.

The Kingdom Has Come

The days which followed were exhilarating and exhausting as His words flowed out of our mouths and His power led us on. Time after time we shared the message, telling the people that the Kingdom had come at last. Never, since King David was laid to rest and begun to sleep with his ancestors, was there such a Light in Israel and now the Son of David had come to lead the people home, to call each one back to his sheepfold.

We called on young and old, men and women, rich and poor, proud or ashamed, with the same message ‘Repent and turn to the Lord!’ We poured Jesus’ power out on those who heard us or called to us, teaching, healing, forgiving, and delivering, until the time came to go back to Him and share our experiences and be restored and refreshed again.

Some Won’t Accept

There was rejection as well as acceptance. There were many people who could not see the Light we brought them; poor souls who thought that their wealth, or their entertainment, their status or their diversions were all they could want. Those who hoped that the Anointed One would bring something quite different from what He brought. In the end, if we could not touch them with the joy and hope we had to offer we had to move on. The message must go out.

The joy of sharing that message was so powerful that resting, eating, and drinking no longer mattered. It was not until we set off to return to our Master that we noticed our own weariness and longed for the rest that only He could give. We called out as we caught sight of the other pairs trailing back, leaning on each other, and tying up broken sandals for the last steps home. There was, I realized, no other home but Him and no rest or refreshment unless we were with Him.

[Readings: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; Mk 6:7-13]

Deborah van Kroonenburg

I am a Secular Carmelite, mother and grandmother, worked in the NHS for many years as a midwife and health visitor, and now work for my UK Diocese, in Marriage and Family Life and Catechesis, as well as helping my husband who is a Deacon in our parish.


  1. Radhika Sharda on February 3, 2022 at 9:15 am

    Beautiful reflection, Deborah. I love how you draw us into the story of the apostles being sent out, from Peter’s perspective. Especially love how you note there was “no rest or refreshment unless we were with Him.”
    Some of the passages in the novel Quo Vadis give us a glimpse of Peter retelling his time with Jesus, sharing the power of His presence with others…I was reminded of that as I read your reflection today. Thank you and God bless!

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