Never Before Has Anyone Spoken Like This Man

Jesus speaks differently than anyone else. Notice that:

– The Lord Jesus communicates the Truth (John 14:6)

We desire the truth and would not want to be told a lie, although we do not always live up to the standard of truthfulness. In the case of the officers sent to arrest Jesus, did they know the truth? It seems they do. They not only heard the truth but were also compelled, convinced, and convicted by the truth. Hence, they exclaimed, “Never before has anyone spoken like this man!” Such admittance would not surprise anyone who knows Jesus, who declares Himself to be “Truth.” Therefore, every true encounter with Christ must address the deepest human need—the need for God.

– The Lord Jesus speaks with compassion (Matt 9:36)

I so much want to say that one of the major expressions of Christ’s identity is compassion. Jesus is always compelled by compassion, not command. His compassion for sinners made Him identify with us sinners, although He knew no sin. Our world today operates in class form—everyone mingles with their “class.” However, only those who have been touched by God are disrobed of this class mentality. This is an attitude we are not always conscious of. In Philippians 2:6-11, we read how Jesus is different. The 5th verse of the same passage states: “Have this mind which is in Christ.” The Christian life can be a mindset—we set our minds to live purposefully like Christ both by imitation and witness to our salvation.

– The Lord Jesus speaks with Love (Mark 10:21)

It is not too easy to distinguish between love and compassion since both of them could be used to describe Jesus’ identity. Jesus is love. He speaks with love but never compromises the truth. Love is never separated from the truth. We ought not to turn the truth upside down or pretend it does not exist only because we claim we want to be loving toward our family and friends. Love puts the bearer in danger sometimes. Do you think the world still believes in true love today?

– The Lord Jesus is purpose driven (John 4:34)

“My food is to do the will of my father,” says the Lord Jesus. I have caught myself living almost as if my food was more important than the Will of the Heavenly Father. A life driven by the Father’s Will is purpose-oriented and focused. Those who had come to arrest Jesus must have observed and taken to heart how Jesus paid less attention to their threat and instead desired to impart and impact their lives with His purpose.

– The Lord Jesus speaks with authority (Mark 1:22; Matt 7:29)

While worldly authority sometimes is misused and abused, Christ’s authority serves, heals, restores, and saves. For us, authority can be viewed as a power to do what we want but, for Jesus, it was more of authentication about who He is and what He has come to accomplish. Clearly, no one has ever spoken like this Man—Jesus!

[Readings: Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53]

Fr. Christian Amah

Fr. Christian Amah is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. You can reach him at

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