Encounter with Nebuchadnezzar

The three young men in today’s first reading, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shine brightly as wonderful examples of Christian courage needed in times of tribulations. Whoever believes in God must also trust Him. He must trust His power to do all things. He must equally know that even though God can do all things, He will not do all things. We must therefore trust the wisdom and judgement of God to do things in accordance with His will. This is the background of the faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Surviving the Fire and More

When King Nebuchadnezzar threatened to throw them “into the burning fiery furnace,” if they did not worship his god, they replied, “the God we serve is able to save us from your burning fire but even if he decides not to save us, we will not serve your god.” These young men saw the blazing fire. King Nebuchadnezzar prepared to roast them alive, if they refused to worship his statue. They knew that his threats were not empty. Yet they resolutely declared for the Lord their God. They were ready to pay the cost of following the Lord, trusting the power and wisdom of their God.


Every believer encounters “Nebuchadnezzar” along the path of life. He manifests in multidimensional ways. He can come in the form of sickness. He can visit in the form of an axe, hacking its way through a person‘s financial fortress. He can appear in the form of sudden death of a loved one.

Infertility or difficulty in finding a life partner is yet another mode of his manifestation. Experiencing hate, rejection and being unloved are other faces of Nebuchadnezzar. A broken and bleeding heart caused by the betrayal of a trusted family member or friend is yet another manifestation of Nebuchadnezzar.

The pains of injustice, which may sometimes cause a great damage in a victim’s life, is also a form of his demonstration. To get embroiled in a scandal can still be another face. A broken marriage or home with its attendant challenges is also one of the shades of Nebuchadnezzar.

Down and Out

These experiences leave us down and broken. Our nights become too long and dark. The days turn colorless and insipid, and life appears choking and torturous. Prayers seem to be dry and unrewarding, as God appears to have taken a leave of absence. In moments like these, the voice of Nebuchadnezzar will mightily rise from within and from without, urging us to rebel against the Lord, either by uttering rash words or by undertaking rebellious actions against him. It raises doubts in our hearts and tries to convince us to go against the rules of our Christian engagement if we wanted relief from our troubles. However, these could be the pangs of birth—the birth of warriors, depending on how one reacts to the threats of Nebuchadnezzar. For warriors are not made in ivory palaces but in wars.

Fortitude and Patience

True servants of God raise the weapons of fortitude and patience in such dark hours and fight Nebuchadnezzar to the finish and confess with the three young men, “even if my God wishes not to intervene in my tribulations, I will never rebel against him.” They reinforce their belief in the steadfastness and faithfulness of God in all conditions. They firmly resolve to take refuge under His wings until the storms of destruction pass by (cf. 57:1). To be able to make this profession of faith in the midst of misfortune, disappointment and pain, is a mark of a true believer in God, an awesome act of worship. This attitude is an opportunity for believers to be lifted up to higher ground. For there may be tears in the night but joy comes with the dawn (Ps. 30:5).

[Readings: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Jn 8:31-42]

Fr. Venatius Oforka

Fr. Venatius Chukwudum Oforka is a moral theologian. He was born in Nigeria and ordained a priest for the Catholic Diocese of Orlu. He is presently working in St. Martins parish, Oberstadion in Rottenburg-Stuttgart Diocese, Germany. Among his publications are The Bleeding Continent: How Africa became Impoverished and why it Remains Poor and The Art of Spiritual Warfare: The Secrete Weapons Satan can’t Withstand.


  1. sue on April 6, 2022 at 10:23 am

    thank you Padre . I needed this today.

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