Easter Sunday
Easter Blessings to all of you! Easter is “our” special day because we are “chosen by God in advance” (Acts 10:41) to “think of what is above, not of what is on earth” (Col. 3:2). On Easter Sunday it all comes together; we rest assured of our eternal life through our faith in Christ’s passion and resurrection. Those of us chosen to understand this magnanimous gift celebrate this day with a sense of relief, a sense of belonging, and we take a break from those for whom the resurrected Christ is not visible: “not to all the people, but to us, the witnesses chosen by God in advance” (Acts 10:41).
Imagine being Peter, or John or Mary Magdalene once again looking into the eyes of your best friend Jesus whom, in these past few days, you may have betrayed, or from whom you have taken on an intense responsibility, or desperately sobbed over His pain wishing you could take some of it on yourself to give Him relief. What do His eyes say to you? What does He want you to know in this moment?
Move Forward
Foremost, He wants to relieve you of your fear so you can move forward with God’s will for you. The angel tells Magdalene “Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified” (Mt. 28:5). Jesus tells the disciples “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” (Mt. 28:10). As you celebrate this Easter Sunday with those you love, stay focused on that love you feel when gazing into the eyes of your risen Lord. Think of what is above, where there is no fear to hold you back from moving in the direction to which God is calling you.
For the last two days I haven’t been able to open Fr Maruice video. So many people are disappointed because I send it out to our prayer line, family and friends.