“We find nothing wrong with this man…”

St. Paul was arrested, we are told, in the first reading of today and was questioned. His examiners found his supposed crime to be that he believed in the supernatural realities—the Resurrection, angels and saints. He faithfully preached Christ the risen Lord. It happens that belief in the Resurrection aligns with some tenets of the Pharisees but not the Sadducees. At the end, the council examining Paul declared, “We find nothing wrong with these men. Suppose a spirit or an angel has spoken to them?”

Knowing Christ

You’ve certainly heard the question/statement “Is anything wrong with you?” Has anyone said that to you because you believe in God? Well, the good news is, nothing is wrong with you. Knowing Christ and being in Christ is the only right way to live. The problem is not so much with outsiders (unbelievers) but with believers who think you “wear your faith on your sleeve,” you “believe too much;” you are “being a fanatic” and so on. The interesting fact is that everyone is a fan of something. Might it be possible to have Christ on the list of my most favorite people and discipleship as one of the things that I most desire?

Don’t be Afraid to Look Stupid

Remember the story of Hannah praying in the temple? (See 1 Sam 1:13f) Eli the priest saw the unusual way Hannah was praying and assumed she was drunk. In a sense, Eli assumed, “what is wrong with this woman”? When Eli said (after Hannah’s explanation) “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him” (1 Sam 1:17), he was in a sense acknowledging that “We find nothing wrong with this woman…”

The great feast of Pentecost, (the coming of the Holy Spirit in a visible form of fire upon the Apostles) is a few days away. The Apostles were called drunkards and all sorts of names because of the way they responded to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit (See Acts 2). In other words, some people asked, “What is wrong with these people”? The voice that spoke in defense of St. Paul today would have answered, “We find nothing wrong with these men.” Suppose a spirit or an angel has spoken to them?” My dear friends please be aware that living in Christ is more than having a mere opinion or assuming a perspective. You’ve got the Truth that liberates, and it is hidden from the wise and learned (Matt 11:27); the Truth that lifts the humble while pulling down the proud (Luke 1:52).

How to Handle Disdain for God

Depending on where one is, we might tend to be discouraged if our environments detest our faith. In the gospel today our Lord Jesus prays that His desire is “wherever He is, that His disciples [children, chosen ones, followers, disciples] might be too.” That prayer has lots of meaning. Christ is in a state of perfect peace at the moment. The best way to respond to people who oppose your faith is to stay connected to the peace of Christ (cf John 14:27) by staying focused on Jesus, knowing that He will never let you be put to shame (Rom 10:11).

Whether you’ve been branded a fanatic or any other name because you love the Lord, the truth of the matter remains: there is nothing wrong with you. Like St Paul, we pray for the will to live to hear the doubters testify to that truth, provided we remain faithful.

[Readings: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Jn 17:20-26]

Fr. Christian Amah

Fr. Christian Amah is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. You can reach him at [email protected].


  1. Radhika Sharda on June 2, 2022 at 9:18 am

    Thank you, Father Christian, for this encouraging reflection. One’s ardor of faith does indeed attract bewilderment from others and even criticism. You are right that when we remain anchored in Christ, we receive His peace. Let us pray that others may be curious enough to wonder about why we live differently, and to encounter the Truth that sets us free…Thanks and God bless.

    • Fr, Christian on June 2, 2022 at 7:36 pm

      Thank you immensely Radhika! Yes!!! Let the Light of Christ keep shinning!!!

      May God bless you more!

  2. sue on June 2, 2022 at 8:54 am

    thank you Padre for these words of wisdom. I find I need them more and more in this day of anything goes. especially this month were sinners have not only stole the rainbow from the Jewish people and GOD as a sign that HE loves us all in the Noah story but now they are stealing our faith and hope and our children and corrupting it with their lies, emptiness and sins. I pray for others like you for stand with and for and by HIS SIDE and not the world like it seems many who call themselves Christians or clergy. I know life is a terminal illness and our bodies break down and decay but the KISS OF GOD, our Soul will never die and I want to go HOME to HEAVEN to be with all of THEM. I see this life on earth as a small aspect of how hell can be and I do not want to live for eternity there since I have a hard time living with so much hate filled people here.

    • Fr, Christian on June 2, 2022 at 7:34 pm

      Thank you Sue for being faithful. You are absolutely correct: “the KISS OF GOD” is all we need on daily basis to keep warding off the deceitful but defeated enemy of our souls. Let us joyfully continue to remain steadfast in Jesus Christ!

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