
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

As we head into the celebration of the Independence of the United States and toast those who suffered and toiled for this liberty, let us not forget to celebrate the Church and Our God who sacrificed and toiled for our spiritual liberty.

Rejoice Church (Is 66:10-14c)

It is easy to walk in today’s world assaulted on all sides by the culture of death. It is so easy to arrive at the end of the day with a face reminiscent of someone who has been sucking on lemons for the last 14 hours twisted up by the sheer madness of the day. Even at times we are drawn to mourn even the Church on account of some Catholics behaving poorly (especially when those Catholics are us). But today I want to encourage all of us to rejoice, people of God, rejoice!! I pray that we rejoice because we are the Church, rejoice because we love the Church, rejoice because the Church is always rejoicing, rejoice because of the abundant gifts poured out through the Church, and rejoice about the many nations that are called into and enjoy the gifts of the Church and set out upon the mission of the Church.

On that day when you attend Mass and receive our Lord, Rejoice! At that moment in the Sacrament of Reconciliation when you receive your absolution and penance, Rejoice! When your child(ren) or family members receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, Matrimony or Holy Orders, Rejoice! When you go on a mission trip, spiritual retreat, or participate in the charitable mission of the Church, rejoice! And when we pay our last respects to those servants of God who have breathed their last breath into this world, rejoice for their mission is complete!!!

As I spend today looking around our church as we celebrate Mass, I am overjoyed watching my children serve as Ministers of Hospitality and seeing all our dear brothers and sisters from all over the world together in this one place rejoicing in our God!

Proclaim the Good News (Lk 10:1-12, 17-20)

Now that you have the joy in your heart, take it to the streets. Wherever you are, there is the Church. Be like the seventy-two and go out preparing the way for the Lord. You know from your daily encounters that there is much work to be done, but few laborers. Yes, the task will not be easy but take courage that the Lord strengthens you for the journey. When you encounter fertile soil, rejoice with those receptive to you accepting their hospitality. Share with them your joy and provide them with the love and mercy taught to you by the Lord through the Church. Your deeds will reveal the Kingdom of God so near to us. Be fearless knowing that God is with you and rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

Peace, Blessings and Happy Independence Day to you all.

[Readings: Is 66:10-14c; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 ]

Tristan Evans

Tristan Evans is a husband, father of a daughter and two sons, past Director of Religious Education, Middle School Youth Minister, and Coordinator of African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization for the diocese of Raleigh. He is a Master Catechist and currently serves as a Fraternal Insurance Counselor Fellow for the Knights of Columbus. Tristan is also an advocate for catholic entrepreneurship. He resides in Durham, North Carolina.

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