Serving for the Greater Glory of God

The Jesuits have a common saying based on St. Ignatius’ instruction, Ad Majorem dei Gloriam. Often it is denoted as a simple AMDG, to signify doing things all for the greater glory of God. Today we see Abraham quickly scurrying to serve The Lord’s messengers as best as he possibly can with physical nourishment. In turn the guest explains that he will return in a year and Abraham’s wife Sarah will have a son. Note that “Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent behind him” (Gen. 18:10). Imagine her excitement! Surely, she had been praying many years for this long-awaited response from God. This situation reminds us that we must continue to be steadfast in our trust that God knows our needs. He has a plan for us that will come to fruition in His time.

A Favorite for Women

I would guess today’s Gospel is a favorite among many people, but particularly women. We know all too well how easy it is to be caught up in all that needs to be done. All that needs to be perfected. All that needs our attention. But Jesus reminds us, when we are in our Martha-mode, wishing others would see things the way we see them, “Martha, Martha, you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part, and it is not to be taken from her” (Luke 10:41-42).

Picture the scene, perhaps Mary started to jump up in response to her sister’s reproach in front of Jesus. Then she is suddenly relieved as Jesus assures them both that Mary is on the right track. This, by sitting at His feet, listening to Him, loving Him. Just like Sarah, Mary is listening, loving, and trusting. This is where God wants us…listening, loving, and trusting Him. Next time you feel yourself falling into your Martha-mode, close your eyes, take a deep breath, inhale your Martha-mode, and exhale it. Switch to your Mary-mode; listen, love and trust that God is right there with you in all of it. Listen for the Holy Spirit. Rest with love on your knees in front of Jesus. And trust that God is in the process of providing all you need in order to be with Him eternally. Then, move on knowing that what you are doing is for the greater glory of God. AMDG!

[ Readings: Gn 18:1-10a; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42]

Dr. Tina Facca-Miess

Dr. Tina Facca-Miess is a marketing professor in the Boler College of Business at John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio USA. With an extensive background in global industry as well as academics, she is active in the Catholic and Jesuit networks, working to bring online education and livelihood opportunities to the brightest of the poorest at the margins of society.


  1. Sr Olisaemeka on July 17, 2022 at 10:42 am

    Listen, love and trust! That captures it all.
    Thank you Tina.

    • Tina on July 18, 2022 at 12:07 am

      Thank you! That is a high compliment coming from a Sister! Your kind words are bery much appreciated!

      Peace and blessings,

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