The Faith That Moves Mountains

The apostles prayed to God, “Increase our faith.” Our Lord’s response to their request shows they already have what they were asking for. They weren’t asking Jesus to grant them some bit of the gift of faith. They asked for an “Increase”! Does anyone feel a need for an “increase” in some aspects of their lives today? Maybe your need is to have more peace, joy, unity in the family, more patience, and more love. Perhaps you are seeking an increase in your income to help care for your needs. Many other people are probably asking God for the same intention as the apostles—an increase in faith.

What was Jesus’ response to this request? What did Jesus teach His disciples from this dialogue?

Jesus gave a hypothetical response to that prayer. The Lord said, “If you have faith as little as a mustard seed….” In other words, our Lord is saying, my child, you want an “increase of faith”? Worry not! You already have it; just put it into use, and you will see how big it is.

No Measure

So, does faith have a size? Faith has only one size. And we cannot measure it. Faith is measured by what it does. Faith-size is known by the size of a mountain it moves.

If you are reading this article, prayed this morning, went to Church, or go to Church today, you have a size of faith that can move mountains. And if you have a mountain-moving-faith, then you’ve got the any-problem-solving-faith! All we need to do is to put faith into use. Every child of God has received the gift of faith. Like every gift, it has to be unwrapped and used. Otherwise, it just sits there. Many say they believe in God and yet do nothing about their beliefs. Faith has to be activated for it to yield results.

The call today is loud and clear. St Paul charges the young Timothy: “Fan into flame the gift of God that you have.” Replace the name Timothy with your name. The Holy Spirit is charging us to stir into flame, to set on fire the gift of God in us literarily. This gift is first the gift of faith in God. Someone might say, “I want to do that, but how?” Or “I have not been to church in a while; where do I begin?” Or “I have always gone to Church all my life; what more do I need to do?” If you have any of the above questions, don’t worry.

Righteous Waiting

Many years ago, there was a man named Habakkuk. God made him His prophet. He had the same questions. Habakkuk felt he needed to do something “extra” to see his faith produce results. He has done everything a faithful and faith-filled person needs: pray, fast, live a righteous life, wait on God, et cetera. He did everything until he got tired. Then he cried to God. God answered. Can you guess God’s answer to him? The Lord asked him to keep waiting. Not an ordinary waiting, but “a righteous waiting.” God said to Habakkuk, “my righteous one shall live by faith.”

Brethren, this means that the element of patience is essential to living the life of faith. When Jesus told the disciples today that even mustard seed-size-of-faith can move mountains, He did not say that the mountains will be moved swiftly. The assurance is that it will happen. When and how it will happen is only known to God. And this is where we need to start—letting God be God and believing that what He says He will do will be accomplished at His appointed time.

Blessed Sunday, everyone!

[Readings: Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Lk 17:5-10]

Fr. Christian Amah

Fr. Christian Amah is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. You can reach him at [email protected].

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