Comfort Zone

I remember when I went for my home furlough, I visited my high school alma mater and helped with the confession of the high school kids. While the kids were in adoration, a student came up to me and asked for some advice regarding a friend. We chatted for some minutes and after that, I told her that she should go back to adoration, look for her friend and surprise her friend by giving her a hug. She wasn’t sure about my advice. Well, as soon as she left, I left.

The next Sunday after Mass in the parish, she came up to me and told me what happened. As soon as she went back to adoration, her friend came up to her and gave her a hug. She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe that the Lord had told her friend what I had told her. That hug, that stepping out of their comfort zones restored their relationship and friendship.

Move Out…

Today, Jesus challenges us to move out of our comfort zone. On a Sabbath, Jesus was invited by an influential Pharisee to come and dine at his home. Jesus accepted his invitation. As they enjoyed the meal together, Jesus told his host that the next time he had a banquet, he should invite those people who were in need: the blind, the lame, and the destitute.

Comfort zones! Turf! Solace! Shell! We all have them, even though we might not want to admit it. Naturally, we tend to settle toward places, situations, or people that we feel safe around. Sometimes, growing closer to God and others may mean stepping outside of a familiar situation. For example, God may call you to move to a new place, or God may call you to do something different from your routine lifestyle in order to save you and make your life healthy.

Against the Culture

Living for God often requires us to do things that go against today’s culture. While this may seem scary, we can always turn to God and rely on His strength to make it through. When you know God is calling you to do something new, ask Him to give you strength to accomplish what He has called you to. In the end, doing something outside of your comfort zone can be very rewarding.

Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone? Are you willing to start a conversation with someone you do not usually talk to?

Lord, You taught us by example what true love it. May I show it to the people around me every day. Amen.


How can you practice stepping out of your turf? How can you show your love to a stranger or a friend or even your family member today?

[Readings: Phil 2:1-4; Lk 14:12-14]

Fr. Archie Tacay

I'm Padre Archie Macaroncio Tacay, CICM. I was born on April 19 and was raised in the Philippines. I entered the seminary formation of the Missionhurst-Missionaries or CICM Missionaries in 1995 and professed my religious vows in 2001. After completing my Theological studies at Maryhill School of Theology, I was sent to the US to continue my internship formation. While here in the US, I went to Oblate School of Theology, learned the Spanish language in Cuernavaca, Mexico and later on trained as a chaplain in MD Anderson Houston, Texas. Most of my assignments were in Texas, particularly in the Diocese of Brownsville and Archdiocese of San Antonio. I was ordained as a priest on May 20, 2008. My current assignment has me in Wendell, North Carolina, as Pastor of St. Eugene Church. I love outdoor sports! e.g. cycling, tennis. I also love to read books, play guitar and do nature trekking.

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