Word Fulfilled

Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.

When Oh Lord, when will my eyes see your face?

You whispered into my ear, as I lay on my mother’s knee. I saw the light emerging above the hill, even before the sun rose. I heard the wind rushing over the mountain, I woke every day of my childhood, touching soft wool, I caught the fragrance of incense, At night I dreamed of a Woman – dressed in cloth of gold -walking towards me with a child in her arms.

He comes! The wind whispers to the youth leaping over the mountain.

Prepare for the anointed one! Roars the falling water,

and the silver dove rises up above the man blinking in the light.

Stay awake, the time is now, says my heart and the rose light streams over the city from the East, and I lift up my weary limbs, wash and make haste to the Temple of the Lord.

Once again I call to you, once again I call, my prayer is always before you, Adonai – hear my call!

I do not see the family that others disregard, I see a queen pass within the palace of the King leaning on her escort, She approaches and in her arms, she carries the Christ of the Lord, all clothed in light.

As her man lays down their offering I feel my heart grow strong again and I open my heart and my arms to the infant. I know, I understand at once, with the Wisdom of the Lord, Who comes to his holy Temple, and the Virgin puts the most precious Life in the world into these arms.

“Lord, now let your servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled:

I seek nothing else now My long wait is over, and I can come to You in peace and joy my Lord. Every promise is fulfilled here What can I gaze on now, when my eyes have gazed on the face of God?

The child looks into these eyes and I look at my salvation and the salvation of the whole world, the chosen people of God and every nation on earth. A light which banishes darkness forever.

‘My own eyes have seen the salvation which you prepared in the sight of every people, a light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people Israel.”

A young girl and her husband stand before me their eyes brimming, as they wait for my blessing. Yes, dear parents, yes, I bless you, and I pass on every gift the Lord God has for you to help you in your task. And such a task … for such humble parents.

I see a Woman, pale and wounded but standing still in the deepest grief. Let me tell you my Queen and the Lord will help you to understand.

“Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

[Readings: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Lk 2:22-35]

Deborah van Kroonenburg

I am a Secular Carmelite, mother and grandmother, worked in the NHS for many years as a midwife and health visitor, and now work for my UK Diocese, in Marriage and Family Life and Catechesis, as well as helping my husband who is a Deacon in our parish.

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