Be Caring and Hospitable


As I read through the reading from Hebrews, which was chock full of spiritual nuggets, the works of mercy seemed to resonate with me as I pondered the word “hospitality”.

A whole industry is built up around that word which encompasses shelter (hotels), food and drink (restaurants), caring for the sick (hospital) and hosting events (party planning/catering). Just think about the effort put behind these ventures whose mission is our comfort and care.

I wonder how we as Christ’s followers can take the essence of these forms of hospitality and enliven our efforts towards those truly in distress. What does the spirit of hospitality look like when visiting the imprisoned?

Further, what culinary efforts are infused into the food and drink delivered to the hungry and thirsty? What fuss do we put into the fashion of the naked?

How welcoming is the shelter for the traveler? How can a sense of hospitality influence our visits to the sick and the burials of the dead?


Let us repair and preserve the hospitality in feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, giving shelter to the travelers, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and when we bury the dead. Ask yourself what hospitality would look like in these instances.

Peace and blessing unto you.

[Readings: Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29]

Tristan Evans

Tristan Evans is a husband, father of a daughter and two sons, past Director of Religious Education, Middle School Youth Minister, and Coordinator of African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization for the diocese of Raleigh. He is a Master Catechist and currently serves as a Fraternal Insurance Counselor Fellow for the Knights of Columbus. Tristan is also an advocate for catholic entrepreneurship. He resides in Durham, North Carolina.


  1. Jerry DeMelo on February 3, 2023 at 4:23 pm

    Loved your reflection. We had a group of 11 men who meet every Friday at my home and we discussed Heb 13:1-8 and your reflection to see what we could gleam from you comment as to “what hospitality would look like in these instances.” The discussion was very animated as many do prison ministry, many of us contribute and help with food kitchens, and we also discussed ministering in a ‘hospitality’ way to a homeless person, as well as the difference between the reaction to a person we see somewhere who needs help versus the person who approaches us requesting money. Very animated 2 hours. Thank you Tristan. God Bless

    • Tristan on February 4, 2023 at 6:14 am

      Jerry, praise be to God! I am thankful the Holy Spirit was able to work through this reflection to offer you all a fruitful discussion on the way you minister to those in your care. Continued prayers and blessings upon your missions of mercy.

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