
Temptations!! They’re all around us! Just when you go on a diet, all the ads on TV will show nothing but visuals of mouth-watering food!

Today is the first Sunday of Lent, a time for fasting and abstinence. Most people I know, myself included, usually give up something for Lent (chocolate and alcohol are common examples). Thankfully, Lent started after Valentine’s Day this year, so we were able to indulge before our time of abstinence began.

The readings today take us back to the beginning of time, to the Garden of Eden. We all know the story of Adam and Eve, and the serpent “tricking” them into eating the forbidden fruit. Thus, the first temptation of humanity occurred!

Even Jesus

The Gospel tells us that even Jesus was subjected to temptation. Jesus had gone into the desert to be alone, and to fast, and pray to His heavenly father. No doubt He prayed for endurance for His forthcoming trials, but even Jesus, in his humanity, was hungry after fasting for 40 days. And Satan sure knows how to reach us in our vulnerabilities; he tempted Jesus to turn the stones into bread and satisfy His hunger. But Jesus had conviction and willpower and was able to rebuke the devil.

We know through St Paul’s letter to the Romans how sin entered into the world through one man, Adam. Sin, and resultant death, transferred onto every human being from then on, tarnishing us all until removed by the Sacrament of Baptism.

Gift of Conscience

As human beings, we are prone to sin and temptation. However, through the gift of our consciences, God has provided us with the innate knowledge of good and evil. Sadly, too often, we are tempted by the promise of riches and glory and we step right into the realm of sin. I, myself, have tried on occasion to fast or give up certain foods, but without a strong spiritual conviction, my mind begs me to yield and often enough I have given in. However, when my decision is spiritual-based, I have no problem denying myself whatever I had decided.

Let us pray for each other this Lenten season to persevere in our prayer, fasting, and acts of charity, and be reminded that the Sacrament of Confession is waiting for us whenever we give in to temptation and sin.

[Readings: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Rom 5:12-19;Mt 4:1-11]

Arlene Braganza

Arlene Braganza is a life-long Catholic who was born and raised in Bahrain and now resides in California. She has been married for over 35 years and has one married daughter living in Los Angeles and a son living in New York. She works as an Office Manager for a busy CPA firm (31 years and counting) and tries to make it to Daily Mass even during the stressful tax season.

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