The Lord Needs Them

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

As we begin the celebration of the Passion of the Lord, let us reflect on how this beautiful event might bless our relationship with God. Jesus asked His disciples to get Him a donkey (and a colt) tied on the roadside. He added that if anyone asked why they were untying the donkey, they were to answer, “The Lord needs them” (Matthew 21:3). Jesus made Himself so vulnerable to the point that His creatures would have to provide for His needs. What do you have that the Master is in need of? Could your acquisitions be of any help to the Lord?

Before now, when I read this verse, “The Lord has a need of them,” I immediately thought about what I have that the Lord might need. I have also shared the exaltation with people: “what do you have that the Lord has a need for”? I feel that looking at the verse this way doesn’t reveal the entire richness of the text. We could understand the text from the perspective that we are called to put our resources to good use—advancing the Kingdom of God. But there is more.

Palm Sunday, not Donkey Sunday

Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem was marked by shouts of “Hosanna” from the people and the use of palm branches to welcome the Blessed One coming in the name of the Lord! Jesus did not say He needed either people’s palm branches or their “hosannas.” He only asked for a donkey. He couldn’t do without one. Yet, people’s chants and the way they praised God with the palm branches gave this Sunday its name, “Palm Sunday.” You don’t need much to worship God. You don’t have to have cars, live in the upper echelon, be friends with the clergy, be a living saint, or know every Bible verse to qualify as a worshipper of God.

The event of today celebrates Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The victory of Christ over death is celebrated in advance, even before His death. We rejoice at this reality because our death is already defeated before it happens. Death will no longer scare a child of God because Christ has conquered death. Christ has also conquered anything between God and us, including donkeys, or lack of them, sports cars, mansions, wealth, sickness, health, addictions, burdens, etc.


Hence, the Lord needs not only your donkey but you! The Lord needs you to praise, serve, worship, and adore Him, even if it is with mere palm branches. He needs your voice to chant “hosanna,” even if it’s not a singing voice. The Lord needs not only all you’ve got but all you are. But you’ve got to be ready. Be ready to answer people asking, “why are you so religious”? “Why are you always going to Church”? “Why are you giving away too much money to charity”? “And why are you so forgiving”? “Why do you have to go to confession”? Be ready! St Peter warns, “Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15). If you are tired of too many explanations, say, “The Lord needs it.”(Matthew 21:3; Mark 11:3; Luke 19:31; John 12:14).

[Readings: Mt 21:1-11; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26:14—27:66]

Fr. Christian Amah

Fr. Christian Amah is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. You can reach him at [email protected].


  1. Fr. Ajuka on April 2, 2023 at 11:47 am

    Fr Christian,
    Thank you for your reflection. I enjoyed reading it.

    • Fr, Christian on April 3, 2023 at 9:45 am

      Hi Fr!
      Glad to hear from you. Happy you liked the reflection. Thanks be to God!

  2. Chanele Jackson on April 2, 2023 at 7:24 am

    I enjoyed reading the narrative. It reinforces my baptism and confirmation promises to be a worshiper and an active doer in the church. I will borrow your narrative to encourage my parishioners of Our Lady of Consolation, Charlotte, NC to step into the talents God has given each and use them to worship, praise God and Jesus and to volunteer at church. We need them. Be blessed.

    • Fr, Christian on April 3, 2023 at 9:48 am

      Hi Chanele,

      I’m glad the Lord spoke to you through the reflection and that you’ll take it further to your parish. May the Lord bless your words with His anointing that your words will bear fruits, Amen!

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