
Is one’s faith being challenged? Today being the Feast of Saint Thomas, we are given a set of readings that provide for a nice reflection on belief and the fruit of our belief in our Lord. Saint John tells the story of Saint Thomas not being present during the Lord’s first return visit to the Apostles. We are told Saint Thomas would not believe “unless [he] sees the mark of the nails in His hands and put [his] finger into the nail marks… and His side”. So, the next time Saint Thomas was together with the other apostles, the Lord makes a strong appearance challenging Thomas’ unbelief. The Lord enters the room without opening the locked door and summons Saint Thomas to “put [his] finger …[in] My hands, and… into My side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.”

What we learn from this reading is the Lord’s willingness to help our unbelief if we are sincere in wanting to believe, even if it takes some extra help or reinforcement. As in that room, the Lord is building up His household (Ephesians 2:19).

How blessed are we in these days to believe without seeing. (John 20:29). Should you find your belief waning, pray this prayer, “I do believe, help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Saint Thomas, pray for us!

[Readings: Eph 2: 19-22; Jn 20:24-29]

Tristan Evans

Tristan Evans is a husband, father of a daughter and two sons, past Director of Religious Education, Middle School Youth Minister, and Coordinator of African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization for the diocese of Raleigh. He is a Master Catechist and currently serves as a Fraternal Insurance Counselor Fellow for the Knights of Columbus. Tristan is also an advocate for catholic entrepreneurship. He resides in Durham, North Carolina.

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