Looking for a Sign

Years ago, while traveling through Florida on one of many apostolic trips, my fellow consecrated sister and I got lost. Being poor missionaries in the early 2000’s, we didn’t have a Garmin or any other electronic mapping device, so we relied on a shoebox full of atlases and Triple A maps to get us to and from addresses we had never been to before.

At the height of our predicament, we found ourselves on a small highway crossing through sugarcane fields. There were no other cars to be seen, no houses or gas stations, nothing but tall sugarcane for miles. It was a perfect time for a sign, and we were looking for one. After a few miles I spotted a yellow diamond in the distance and excitedly pointed it out. Any sign was welcome at that point. As we got closer, though, disappointment hit us hard. Inside the yellow diamond was a picture of a bear. It was not the sign we were looking for, but we did have a good laugh about bears in Florida. At the end of the sugarcane fields, we were able to get our bearings and we ended up getting to our destination, albeit a little late.

In today’s Gospel, the scribes and Pharisees are asking for a sign. The sign of Jonah swallowed by a whale for three days and nights is a bit like seeing a sign for bears when you need directions, yet that is the sign Jesus refers them to. What did he mean?

He is the Sign

There are many places in Scripture where people ask for a sign, and sometimes signs are offered without being asked. The Old Testament prophets were all about pointing out signs from God. This was their main role. Isaiah is perhaps one of the best-known prophets, and he prophesied the Messiah, Immanuel. In Isaiah chapter 7, he is asked to prophecy a sign to a king who doesn’t really want God’s help. Isaiah tells this king to ask for a sign, who demurs with false humility, “I will not ask for a sign! I will not tempt the Lord!” (Is. 7:12) The Lord replies through the prophet, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you this sign: the Virgin shall be with child and bear a son and shall name him Immanuel.” (Is. 7:14)

Although many years passed before this prophecy came to fulfillment, it did at last come. The irony of the demand for a sign from the Pharisees and scribes in today’s Gospel reading is that they are asking the actual Sign for a sign. He is the sign they are looking for if they actually are looking for one. Only a few recognized this. What about us? Do we see Jesus as our sign when we are looking for one?

[Readings: Ex 14:5-18; Mt 12:38-42]

Nicole Buchholz

Nicole Buchholz has been a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi since 2001. She has worked in the United States, Ireland, and the Philippines, and is currently living in Georgia. Throughout her consecrated life she has worked in schools, with youth groups, young adult Missions, retreats, camps, and family ministries.


  1. Brenda on July 24, 2023 at 10:25 am

    Love ❤️

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