Holy Spirit Dwelling Place

The readings today show us the faithful leader who erects a proper dwelling for the Holy Spirit. Then by example, the discernment of the Spirit is taught to those for whom they have responsibility. This will encourage the Spirit of God to be seen by the whole household and obey His commands.

The Spirit Dwelt Among Them

Moses followed God’s instructions on erecting a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. And once it was properly erected the Spirit dwelt among the people. They were able to see the Spirit’s movement and were informed to journey or stay put. This is a great example for those who have responsibility for the faith of others. Gather your charge and teach them to recognize and discern the Holy Spirit active in your life and their lives. Once they are active in the Spirit of God, their lives will become more fruitful and worthy to dwell eternally with the Lord.

[Readings: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Mt 13:47-53]

Tristan Evans

Tristan Evans is a husband, father of a daughter and two sons, past Director of Religious Education, Middle School Youth Minister, and Coordinator of African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization for the diocese of Raleigh. He is a Master Catechist and currently serves as a Fraternal Insurance Counselor Fellow for the Knights of Columbus. Tristan is also an advocate for catholic entrepreneurship. He resides in Durham, North Carolina. www.bleaf.org

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