Vigilance: Laging Handa!

Laging Handa (Always prepared!) is our motto in Boy Scouts. I hear this phrase every time we have events such as Boy Scout gatherings, camping and Jamboree. Always be ready for the unexpected!

Vigilance is an essential and often forgotten aspect of our walk of faith. If we fail to be vigilant, Satan will find it very easy to infect our lives with his lies and lead us astray from the truth. Vigilance is primarily a function of prayer and reading the Scriptures and any other sort of true spiritual formation. These activities are grounded fully in the truths of our faith and are the best defense against the lies of Satan.

Committed Prayer Life

It takes a lot of effort to develop a truly vigilant lifestyle that will protect us against the lies of sin. The best place to begin is with a committed prayer life. If we pray daily and truly allow God to form our hearts in His ways, we will have begun to develop a protection against temptation. If we further this with meditating on the Word of God in the Scriptures, we will reinforce all that the Spirit of God is teaching us in prayer.

Another aspect of vigilance is preparing ourselves for the Second Coming of Christ. Our faith is meant to be active. That is, we should always be seeking ways in which we can put our faith into action and live it out on a daily basis. In this way we both present a living witness of the truth to the world. And we prepare our lives to welcome Jesus when He comes again.


We should not develop an unhealthy focus on the Second Coming which would lead us to seeking times and dates. Suffice it to say it will happen. For all intents and purposes, the latest date for the Second Coming is our death. After that time we no longer can choose to change our way of life. When we die, that is it as far as preparing for eternal life is concerned. Let us make every moment of our lives count as we prepare for the gift of eternal life. Laging Handa!

Almighty ever-living God, you gently call me to Yourself every day. Help me to be prepared always as I continue to hear Your call. And grant me the grace to consistently respond to it.


If God were to come again tomorrow or next week, can you honestly say you are prepared to meet Him face to face?

[Readings: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Mt 24:42-51]

Fr. Archie Tacay

I'm Padre Archie Macaroncio Tacay, CICM. I was born on April 19 and was raised in the Philippines. I entered the seminary formation of the Missionhurst-Missionaries or CICM Missionaries in 1995 and professed my religious vows in 2001. After completing my Theological studies at Maryhill School of Theology, I was sent to the US to continue my internship formation. While here in the US, I went to Oblate School of Theology, learned the Spanish language in Cuernavaca, Mexico and later on trained as a chaplain in MD Anderson Houston, Texas. Most of my assignments were in Texas, particularly in the Diocese of Brownsville and Archdiocese of San Antonio. I was ordained as a priest on May 20, 2008. My current assignment has me in Wendell, North Carolina, as Pastor of St. Eugene Church. I love outdoor sports! e.g. cycling, tennis. I also love to read books, play guitar and do nature trekking.

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