Do Not Despise the Little Ones

As we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels, we are reminded of the precious gift that is the guardian angels sent by God to watch over us. In today’s gospel, we encounter a profound statement: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father” (Matthew 18:10). To fully grasp the depth of this message, let us delve into its various aspects.

Who Are the Little Ones?

The term “little ones” primarily refers to children, as implied by the statement’s context. Children are known for their fragility, innocence, and dependency. When the Lord invites us to become like little ones, He is not asking us to unlearn what we already know as adults. Instead, He invites us to cultivate a childlike relationship with God. This involves recognizing our vulnerability in the face of life’s challenges. While we may have lost our innocence, we remain fragile and dependent beings needing God’s guidance and protection.

Expanding the Definition of “Little Ones”

While children are undoubtedly “little ones,” we can broaden this term to encompass other groups. Consider those experiencing poverty or those who have not achieved great success in society’s eyes. In a world that often overlooks those who have not reached the pinnacle of success, it is crucial to heed the Lord’s warning not to despise them. Success, or the lack thereof, does not determine a person’s worth. Everyone deserves respect and dignity regardless of their social or economic status.

The Loneliness of “Little Ones”

Another group that often goes unnoticed is the lonely. Loneliness is a universal experience that knows no social boundaries. It affects the rich and poor, the successful, and struggling saints and sinners alike. The Lord’s message also extends to them: “Do not despise them.” Instead, we are called to offer a ministry of “accompaniment.” Loneliness is not just about being alone physically; it is about a more profound longing for connection, understanding, love, acceptance, and forgiveness. In our fast-paced world, genuine connections are becoming rare. By not despising the lonely, we can help create a community of understanding and support. This requires submission to the Lord of Love, Jesus Christ, who leads the human heart to true peace. In His goodness, we are never truly alone. Our angels are a constant presence given to us by God and on our behalf.

Building a World of Equality

Refraining from despising the little ones contributes to a world of equality, justice, and dignity. This is the world that politicians promise to create, and it is the vision modern society strives to achieve. However, it is essential to remember that this world was initially bestowed upon us by our Creator. We are entrusted with preserving, protecting, and advancing it. Regrettably, we often fall short of this duty. Christ came to restore it. He has done His part; we need to do ours in and through Him.

Embracing the Divine Example

Today, Christ reminds us that a simple yet profound step toward realizing the world we yearn for is to refrain from despising the little ones among us. In doing so, we respect and uplift others with dignity, and honor our growth and development. Just as the angels of the most high God do not despise the little ones, neither should we.

[Readings: Zec 8:1-8; Mt 18:1-5, 10]

Fr. Christian Amah

Fr. Christian Amah is a priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York. You can reach him at [email protected].

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