This is Exactly What You Dreamed, and Its Meaning is Sure

I dreamed I knew where I was going

And I chose the right person to follow.

And everyone I saw looked up from their own version of reality

And said, “I want more than this.”

I dreamed someone told me, “The time has come,”

And it had.

And that the wars were over

And they were.

And the displaced came home.

And children were safe.

And everyone had a chance to catch their breath.

Because all the things that had to happen first had happened,

Because the rock that had been hewn without a hand being put to it had settled

Into a land that will never be destroyed,

Because I could trust the one I had followed

And I wasn’t terrified.

And everyone was happy at last because they had handed over the vantage points they once believed indispensable.

And so there was no longer anything to prolong the suffering.

Instead of toes and feet and legs and torsos scattering into dust,

There were bodies filling out with the assurance of self-knowledge and acceptance of others.

And they were quiet and waiting for the Advent that would soon begin.

[Readings: Dn 2:31-45; Lk 21:5-11]

Sister Veronica Schueler, F.S.E.

Sister Veronica Schueler, F.S.E. is the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, where her responsibilities include oversight of the archives and general record-keeping, as well as mission outreach. She is also the Episcopal Delegate for Religious Communities and for Catholic Health Care. She earned a certificate in bioethics from the National Catholic Bioethics Center and is engaged in addressing bioethical issues for the Archdiocese. She graduated cum laude from the Western Michigan University Cooley Law School in 1993. Admitted to the bars of several states, she has 15 years of experience practicing immigration law. She is a member of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, a pontifical religious community with its Motherhouse in Connecticut and a local center in Bridal Veil, Oregon.

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