The Holy Family, Inspiration, and Strength

On the last day of this year, our focus is fixed on the family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. The liturgy continues to invite us to savor the mystery of the Incarnation, the Word becoming flesh. But more than that, our feast invites us to a wonder and awe over the fact that in becoming flesh, Jesus consented to be born within a family. Let this reality not skip our attention.

Without intending to be disrespectful, Jesus had no need of Mary, or of Joseph, or of being in a family. He could have just appeared without being born into a family. And yet, this is precisely one of the richness of the mystery of the Incarnation — Jesus chose to be born and to grow up in a family. Jesus is telling us something here. He became like us so that He may teach us how to live out our humanity. God Himself respects the structure of the family because He Himself created the notion of it.

The family is not just any group or mixture of people. It is a communion of life and love between man and woman, committed to each other for life, for their and their offsprings’ well-being. Society has no right to change the meaning of the family because the family is over and above society. It is not without reason that we call the family the basic unit of society. It is the family that creates society, not the other way around. What is happening in our society is a real depiction of what is happening in our family!

As we wrap up the end of the year and welcome the fresh year 2024, let the Feast of Holy Family inspire and strengthen us to:

1) Never Leave Jesus Behind!

Mary and Joseph went with Jesus to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover. When the ceremony was over, they probably got caught up with so many distractions that they forgot the child Jesus behind. One of the sicknesses affecting our families today is that we have left Jesus behind. When prayer becomes scarce in the family, when Jesus is not received in the Eucharist; when love and respect are not shared, things begin to fall apart.

2) Bring Family to Church and Church to Family!

Mary and Joseph brought the child Jesus to the temple for the rite of purification. Nowadays, some parents do not even care to come to church. It is depressing that parents do not make efforts to bring their kids to faith formation sessions but would be quick to blame the devil when their children eventually leave the church.

Whenever the parents act as if religion is not important, then their children will grow up without a personal relationship with God and this may just be the beginning of a life of crisis. The family is the domestic church. What happens in the church family is only a larger picture of what should happen in each family.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, watch over our family and guide us that we may grow together in the Father’s love like Your family did.


How can I celebrate my family today?

[Readings: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14; Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17; LK 2:22-40]

Fr. Archie Tacay

I'm Padre Archie Macaroncio Tacay, CICM. I was born on April 19 and was raised in the Philippines. I entered the seminary formation of the Missionhurst-Missionaries or CICM Missionaries in 1995 and professed my religious vows in 2001. After completing my Theological studies at Maryhill School of Theology, I was sent to the US to continue my internship formation. While here in the US, I went to Oblate School of Theology, learned the Spanish language in Cuernavaca, Mexico and later on trained as a chaplain in MD Anderson Houston, Texas. Most of my assignments were in Texas, particularly in the Diocese of Brownsville and Archdiocese of San Antonio. I was ordained as a priest on May 20, 2008. My current assignment has me in Wendell, North Carolina, as Pastor of St. Eugene Church. I love outdoor sports! e.g. cycling, tennis. I also love to read books, play guitar and do nature trekking.

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