Today’s gospel account from the book of Mark is a very short, to the point, account of Jesus going to the desert, being tempted, and returning ready to minister.
If we look up the definition of desert, some synonyms for the word are barren land, wilderness, and dust bowl. Dust bowl stands out as we just received ashes on our foreheads four days ago to begin Lent. Many of us will give up things we love and enjoy for these forty days, and it may feel as though we have entered the wilderness. Or, perhaps our bellies are barren of the foods we like best. Regardless, this is a time of great solitude, purification and sacrifice.
When we read that Jesus spent forty days in the desert, we can attempt to a degree to unite ourselves to His experience. He was tempted and felt every human emotion and affliction we feel. There is no doubt the devil went to the greatest of lengths with the temptations on Jesus. Jesus is He who became man so he could relate to us and share in the sufferings we endure in our lives.
Suffer Well
Jesus was the ultimate example for us. My prayer for you and for me this Lent is that we may suffer through our temptations with grace, humility, and perseverance. May we use this time of purification wisely and diligently. I pray it will be fruitful in uniting each of us closer to Christ. And that through our courage, we will help strengthen the Body of Christ.
I encourage you to remember that if you falter, try to begin again. And again, and again. Even if you get to the last week of Lent discouraged that you weren’t enough; resolve to begin again. I will be praying for you, our readers, and supporters of GVM. Into the desert we go….