The Prestigious House of Hillel

The Story of a Family: At the time of Christ, two prominent Rabbinic schools guided the people in understanding the Torah. The two founders of these schools, Hillel and Shammai, were the most influential rabbis of the day. These two academies vigorously debated ritual practices, ethics, and theology. Indeed, Jesus would at times cite and confirm their teachings. Today we will look back on the influence of Hillel’s school by focusing on three generations of his family.

Hillel the Elder

Hillel’s most famous teaching was, “That which is hateful to you, do not do unto another. That is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary.” While Hillel articulated the Golden Rule in its negative sense, Jesus presents Hillel’s principle as a positive duty: “Do to others whatever you would have them do unto you. This is the law and the prophets.” (Mt 7:12, Lk 6:31). Jesus thus confirmed Hillel’s insight into the essence of the Law.

Yet, Hillel went further by linking his Rule to the Shema Yisrael (Dt 6:4-5) that Jews recited daily: “Hear, O Israel, the LORD is our God, The LORD is one. Therefore, you shall love the LORD your God, with all your heart and soul and with all your strength.” To this Hillel added, “And your neighbor as yourself.” (cf. Lev 19:18).

Hillel might have appeared presumptuous, adding to God’s ancient command, but Jesus affirmed the addition. We see this in Mt 22:36 when a legal scholar asked Jesus which commandment of the law was the greatest. Jesus answered that while the greatest was found in the Shema, the second was like it and citing Hillel’s addition, declared: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Since Hillel died around A.D.10, it is possible Jesus met Hillel when at age 12, He remained at the Temple dialoguing with learned Rabbis.

Saint Simeon Ben Hillel

When Hillel died, his son Simeon became President of the Sanhedrin and was active in the Temple. He is the very Simeon who appears in Luke 2 as the priest whose joyful Canticle acknowledged the baby Messiah at His presentation ceremony. Simeon also utters the first prophecy of Mary’s future sorrow at her son’s crucifixion. (Lk 2:22-35).

Rabban Gamaliel the Elder

Gamaliel, Hillel’s grandson, was perhaps the greatest teacher of his time, earning the title Rabban. He taught Saul of Tarsus, who became Paul the Apostle. The Church commemorates Gamaliel’s conversion with a Martyr’s feast day on August 3. Gamaliel is best remembered for the account in Acts 5 we read today. Saint Gamaliel may have been evangelized into Christianity by Saint Paul himself.

Final Thought

Acts 5:38 records Gamaliel’s words regarding Peter and John’s preaching of Jesus as Messiah. He cautioned the Sanhedrin: “If any activity is of human origin, it will destroy itself. If it comes from God, we will not be able to destroy it.”

We would be wise to heed Gamaliel’s advice and pray for discernment as we consider the challenges we face in our society and in the Church today. May we thereby endeavor to always align ourselves with the will of God.

[Readings: Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15]

Jerry DeMelo Jr.

Mr Jerry DeMelo, Jr OP is a life-long Catholic and life professed Lay Dominican. A graduate of the Naval Academy, he served in the US Submarine Service. He is presently a Judicial Officer in California. Jerry enjoys Catholic Pilgrimages, teaches a weekly Bible study as well as the Diaconate formation program for the Diocese of Fresno. Mr DeMelo is on the Board of Directors of Gratia Vobis Ministries.


  1. Steven Wee on April 12, 2024 at 10:42 am

    Learned so much from you today!

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