Today, we honour the life of St Rita of Cascia. St Rita lived from 1381-1457 in Italy. From a young age, God had set her apart from the world as His beloved one. In his book, Saint Rita of Cascia: Saint of the Impossible, Fr. Joseph Sicardo, OSA, describes St Rita as a tiny plant bound to the One True Vine. She flourished in a life of prayer throughout her vocation. Rita followed the obedience of her parents, and remained hidden in Christ’s love.
Fr Sacardo says, “Little Rita was indeed, so to speak, a precious plant, planted, as it were, by the hands of God in His vineyard, and with loving care did God cause the dews of Heavenly grace to fall gently on that tender plant which was to become in later years, and we may say for all years, a towering cedar of His glory and omnipotence.”
This quote on St. Rita brings me to reflect on God’s great goodness and how pleasing it is to God when we hand over our lives to be more deeply rooted in Him. In a recent podcast, the questions were posed. “Do you love God, and do you want to cultivate a loving relationship with Him?” The priest from the podcast encouraged the audience to let down their walls, barriers, or umbrellain order to be saturated with the dew (grace) of God.
“By prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.”
About the age of 12, St Rita desired to consecrate herself totally to Jesus as His Spouse. Although that wasn’t the immediate plan of God for her to enter a convent, God surely heard her prayers and kept them close in His Heart. St Rita had to first serve her parents, husband, and sons with obedience. I can imagine Rita’s faith as she probably prayed with scripture such as, “If the Lord wills it, we shall live to do this or that” (James 4:15).

Despite having an abusive husband and children who were tempted to commit the murder of their father, Rita prayed fervently for her family. She remained attached to the True Source of Life. She continued in work and perseverance in what the Lord allowed and willed for her life. And peace and grace overflowed! God remembered His servant’s request to be consecrated. Rita finally got to enter a religious community later in life when she no longer had responsibilities for her family. She was quite joyful to be a Bride of Christ but suffered greatly for souls and was marked permanently with a thorn wound on her forehead. This, in a way, was a stigmata to the Crown of Thorns, which Christ humbly wore.
We all have to muster up the courage to share our vulnerable requests and desires to God. Ask Him, in good faith, to purify those desires. As He brings about your vocation and purpose in life, He will mould you, and form you in such a way that brings about the “dews of Heavenly grace” and fruit in His vast Vineyard. The hope to live united with Jesus Christ and the peace found in suffering will keep you bound to the Vine. Let the love that the Lord has for you water and nourish your mind, heart, and soul on this day!
[Readings: James 4:13-17; Mark 9:38-40]
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