The Spirit of Adoption Makes Us Sons and Daughters

We have received a spirit of adoption as sons through which we cry: Abba! Father!

One of the most inspiring books I read as a teenager that helped my relationship with Abba Father, was titled, “I Dared to Call Him Father” by Bilquis Sheikh. It was the conversion story of a young Muslim woman and her encounter with God as Father in the Bible.

Your Primary Identity

What is your primary identity? Have you received the spirit of adoption as a son or daughter? Have you embraced your identity as a beloved member of God’s family? Redeemed, cleansed, and sanctified by grace, an heir to eternal riches in Christ?

If you are like me, then you have possibly struggled with the image of God as a judge rather than a loving Father. Often, our understanding of God the Father is also distorted by negative experiences with our own fathers or other male authority figures early in our lives. We are painfully conscious of our faults and failings instead of basking in God’s generous and unconditional love.

Jesus, in today’s gospel, instructs his disciples on how to pray. He tells them not to babble like the pagans, who lived in hope of appeasing God by their many words. A believer in Christ can stand in bold confidence, thanksgiving, and trust. Having received the garment of salvation and covered by the blood of Jesus, we can approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Our Heavenly Father, our Abba, knows what we need before we ask Him.

Jesus, the image of the invisible God, became the face of the Father to the world. ‘He who has seen me has seen the Father,’ said Jesus, directing his disciples into a relationship of child-like trust in a God who, besides being the Almighty, the creator and ruler of the universe, is a loving father who is intimately familiar with every detail of their lives.

The Our Father

The Our Father of today’s gospel is a precious gift to us in this month of June when we celebrate fatherhood amid a rising tide of fatherlessness in families across the developed world. Our daily rote recitation of the prayer as Catholics has perhaps diminished its power in our eyes. It is time then, to soak ourselves in the promises of God’s omnipresence, His provision, His protection, and His preservation from sin. It requires a penitent heart and promises forgiveness to those who forgive.

Just like His son turned water into wine to salvage the wedding celebration and the dignity of the wedding hosts at Cana. The Lord, when asked, hastens to make good our losses. This is the reason Christians always testify to the miraculous ways that God has answered prayers for protection, healing, or deliverance. He is Abba Father, a good, good Father, eager to give good gifts to His children.

Another precious resource to heal your relationship with the Heavenly Father is “Father’s Love Letter.” Easily available online in print and video, it is a walk through of scripture verses that remind us of God’s Fatherly love. This month let us dive deep into the Father’s love. The gift of relationship with God as loving Father is a priceless gift.

[Readings Thursday of the Eleventh Week: Sirach 48:1-14;Matthew 6:7-15]

Cheryl J

Cheryl J. grew up a cradle Catholic, had a powerful personal encounter with Christ, and a conversion at the age of 17. Two decades later, she had a deeper re-conversion—or perhaps she calls it a reversion—to the teachings of the Catholic Church. She immigrated to Canada as a young adult and lives in Ontario with her three children.

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