Become Divinized

History marks itself as pilgrims walk to accompany Jesus across the United States. It is not for some odd reason. In 16 days, more than 100,000 pilgrims will gather in Indianapolis, Indiana, to adore, praise, and petition Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

It is fitting then that we should celebrate the feast of St. Thomas today. Although he doubted, the Apostle invites us to the reality that all who look upon Him will be healed. Thomas opened himself to the power of the crucified and resurrected Lord. Christ wants us to do the same.

In a nearby tabernacle, a Person awaits our presence. His wounds await our wounds. His heart awaits our heart.

Encountering the Mystery

Many years ago, a gentleman likened the Real Presence to the image of radiation. A person cannot see, smell, or feel the energy and yet it continues to take control of the body. In the same way, our persons cannot see, smell, or feel the Eucharist, but His Presence transforms the soul, nonetheless. So long as our hearts remain vulnerable before Him, the Eucharist will continue to change and divinize them. That is true exposure therapy.

And when we find it hard to believe, let us turn to Mary. When she encountered a difficult mystery of faith, how did she respond? She pondered it in her heart (Lk 2:19). Christ does not expect us to understand. He only asks for our yes. “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed” (NABRE, Jn 20:29).

We may not be able to join the pilgrims on route, but we can join them each time we choose to believe and expose our hearts to the Man-God hidden before us in the most Holy Eucharist.

Mary, ponderer of hearts, pray for us.

[Readings: Ephesians 2:19-22; John 20:24-29]

Sean Callahan

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