St. Joseph

Today’s gospel reading is the story of the angel coming to St. Joseph in a dream and assuring him not to divorce Mary, but to take her as his wife. The angel explains that the baby, who is to be named Jesus, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and will save the world from their sins. Joseph, being “a righteous man,” did as the angel instructed.

Many homilies and commentaries will suggest that the moral of this gospel passage is that we are to become like children, or childlike, to enter the kingdom of God. While that is definitely so, I cannot help but focus on who I would like to call the real hero here.


Can you imagine the faith, courage, and humility it took for St. Joseph to follow through on this life journey he was about to embark upon? What a wild idea that his betrothed is with child, but took no physical actions to be with child.

And yet, St. Joseph trusted and obeyed. The amount of humility it must have taken to concede to this plan! I am often awe struck by St. Joseph. A quiet, gentle leader. I like to imagine the loving husband and father he must have been to live with literally the two holiest people to ever walk the earth.

Do you know anyone who reminds you of this spectacular man? For me, it is my Uncle Ed. He embodies all qualities I take note of most when reading about St. Joseph. Uncle is holy and quiet, gentle but a strong leader. He is humble. His presence is a force without him having to utter a word. I treasure my time with him. There is such peace in being around him. If you are fortunate enough to have a St. Joseph-like man in your life, thank God today for that blessing!


As we continue through Advent, preparing our hearts for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ, may we be inspired by this Gospel to be obedient like St. Joseph. Even in the hard, especially in the hard things. Perhaps we can be a bit gentler with those we love most. With those we work with. With those who stretch us to the max. Maybe we can usher in a dose of humility in the things we do and speak. And, maybe, just maybe, we can have childlike faith as St. Joseph did on that extraordinary night the angel came to him.

[Readings: Jer 23:5-8; Mt 1:18-25]

Joanne Huestis-Dalrymple

Joanne Huestis-Dalrymple is a freelance writer residing in Wake Forest, NC. She is a wife and mother of eight, plus two in heaven. Joanne coaches the St. Thomas More Academy swim team and is a member of the school’s CrossFit team. Joanne has a devotion to our Blessed Mother and she enjoys reading, writing, gardening and going on adventures with her big family.

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