Thanks Be to God

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, surrounded by family and loved ones, as we celebrated the birth of Jesus.

As I was reflecting on my article last week, I was struck by the recent tragedies affecting several families, and if you are still surrounded by your family, make sure you cherish and relish the time you spend with them.

It was reported that in a town just a few miles north of me, a family was on the way to Mass on Sunday, when they were hit head-on by another vehicle, and the parents and one teenager in the car immediately went to the eternal church in heaven, leaving two other siblings in critical care in the hospital.

Another beautiful pro-life family had to say goodbye to their one-year-old baby son, who was suddenly taken ill and did not respond to treatment. How absolutely heart-breaking!

An elderly couple that I am acquainted with recently lost everything they had acquired over eight decades in the recent Camarillo fire in California. Their lives were saved with just the clothes on their back, and each other, and their dog.

Other families are facing break ups, and custody battles, as one client voiced to me on the phone recently.

A Reminder

This reflection is not meant to be a downer, but rather a reminder to embrace and truly love each and every family member that God has blessed you with. Treasure your parents, as they may not be around next Christmas. Hug your children even if they are annoying and whining. Be grateful for everything you have, and never take anything or anyone for granted.

For us Catholics, the Christmas season is just beginning, whereas our secular friends are over it, having begun a month ago, and stores will immediately begin to churn out Valentine paraphernalia!

When I think about how God decided to save humanity by sending His only begotten son through a sinless human being Mary, I find it incredible and yet humbling at the same time. While shepherds and wise men came to adore the Christ Child, others were sent out to kill him by order of King Herod.

Choose Wisdom

Let us choose to be “wise” and bow down in adoration at the Christ Child and the Holy Family, taking a few minutes while in church, to visit the nativity scene, or even pay homage to the nativity displays we have in our own homes.

Even though Jesus, Mary and Joseph were the Holy Family, they were not spared from extreme trials and difficulties during their lives. Imagine having to take off in the dark of night with the few possessions they could carry and some food for the long journey to Egypt. I wonder how Joseph even knew which route to follow!

It gives me consolation to know that whatever difficulties I may be facing, I can always turn to the Holy Family for guidance and consolation.

P.S.-I would like to thank Arlene for her years of dedication to the GVM Ministry. She was always on board with her reflections, and the GVM group appreciated that. Best of luck in the years ahead, Arlene!

[Readings: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Mt 10:17-22]

Arlene Braganza

Arlene Braganza is a life-long Catholic who was born and raised in Bahrain and now resides in California. She has been married for over 35 years and has one married daughter living in Los Angeles and a son living in New York. She works as an Office Manager for a busy CPA firm (31 years and counting) and tries to make it to Daily Mass even during the stressful tax season.

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