In His Timing

It will all happen in His perfect timing. Bleh. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that throughout our infertility journey. I know that it is well intentioned, and I even say it myself sometimes when I have nothing else to say. But the wounded, distrustful part of my heart still grimaces that this is the title of today’s reflection.

What do you mean, ‘His timing’? He’s God! He is outside of time! He can do anything! He can give the graces, revelations, insights, teachings without any of this, if He really wants! Maybe I don’t see the punctuality yet in my own story, but our Lord has made it pretty clear to me in the story of this man’s healing, almost as though He’s inviting all of us to hold on to the hope that His timing will be perfect in our stories too.

Sin is the Priority

“Child, your sins are forgiven.” (Mark 2:5).

What? Your sins are forgiven? This guy’s friends did not hoist him on his stretcher and carry him however many miles, make a hole in the roof, and lower him down through it to have his sins forgiven. They went through all that so that he could walk, run, take care of himself, maybe raise a family, and have a normal life. And Jesus just tells him he is forgiven. That is great and all, but that is not what he asked for. ‘Just forgiven.’ Shamefully, that is where my heart went first.

But His Sacred Heart begs, “Learn from me, for I am meek and lowly of heart.” (Matthew 11:29). If He had healed the paralytic immediately, He would not have emphasized the gravity of sin over illness. Do I really believe what the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to say? “That neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor power, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39). Nothing. No illness, no grief, no pain. Nothing. Nothing, except our own sin. And not only does sin separate us from God, but it creates an impassable chasm of injustice that we could never cross, never repair. And boom. Just like that–forgiven! Bridge, created. Injustice, restored.

The Church follows the same order of importance in its healing ministries today. Unconfessed sin can get in the way of healing. If you have ever been to a good healing service, there will be a thorough examination of conscience and opportunity for confession before the laying on of hands begins. Learn from Me, His Heart lovingly admonishes: healing sin is the priority.


Secondly, this timing of forgiving the paralytic’s sins before the physical healing allows Him to witness to the scribes and the whole multitude in that crowded little house who He really is God Himself. St. John Chrysostom comments on Mark 2:10, “Whenever Christ had to do any of these much greater things, you will not characteristically find him praying or calling on his Father for assistance. All these things, as you discover in the text, he did on his own authority.” He is not just another healer or prophet. He can forgive sins AND make the lame walk. “But only God alone can forgive sins…” the scribes gasp. You do not say! His Heart triumphantly testifies: “The Father and I are one.” (John 10:30).

So, Lord, I see now where Your Heart is. This man was paralyzed just a few more moments, and because of it, He had the honor of aiding Your teaching and Your revelation. I hope against all hope that when all is revealed, we will rejoice at the beautiful ways You allowed us to participate in Your glory through our sufferings, and we will see that it was worth it. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You!!

[Readings: Hebrews 4:1-5, 11; Mark 2:1-12]

Maggie Martin

Maggie Martin was raised Catholic, but had a deep conversion to the faith wrought through the emptiness of contemporary philosophy and loneliness of college life. Her educational background is in philosophy, anthropology, and Latin American civilization, and she has a passion for writing and wondering. Though a Michigander most of her life, she is a wife and homemaker in Louisburg, NC where she and her husband serve in the choir and as catechism teachers at Our Lady of the Rosary parish. She is an anchoress for the Seven Sisters Apostolate and she has a strong love and confidence in our Lord’s Sacred Eucharistic Heart.

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