The first words of the Bible unfurl the story of our world like the notes of a symphony: “In the beginning.” If we take time to listen, a singular picture of reality comes into view, unlike that of any other religion. These opening words in Genesis place us at that inexpressible moment of “the beginning,” revealing to us much of the nature of God and the created world.
In the Beginning
Here, we are not only on the primal ground of creation but the bedrock of reality. Before the beginning, there was no time, no space, no form at all. Then, out of that nothingness comes a voice which speaks and so brings about the beginning of all reality.
To contemplate this act of creation draws us into the heart of God, He who speaks the universe into being. Why create? Though we have read the Genesis account many times, let us note that this glimpse of God as single Author of reality is unique to the Judeo-Christian tradition. The pagan religions of ancient times envisioned creation as the fruit of struggle between opposing gods. Alternatively, the Hindu story of creation presents a cyclical view of time, imagining countless universes that are created and destroyed in endless succession. Such a vision lacks any beginning, and if there is no beginning, there can be no telos, no meaning behind creation.
And God Saw that It was Good
In contrast, the opening lines of Genesis invite us into the purposeful rhythm of creation. Step by step, God speaks, and “it was so.” Light comes into being, and then the heavens and the earth, and then stars and moon. What strikes me most deeply, though, as I ponder this passage, is the refrain of goodness crowning each act: “And God saw that it was good.” One translation renders it, “And God saw how good it was.”
The fact that the narrative repeats this phrase for each day of creation signals its importance. God speaks, and something comes into being and then God looks upon it with love. One might say He gazes upon each part of creation as an artist gazes upon his masterpiece, attesting to its worth. “Yes,” he declares, “it is good that you exist.”
Original Goodness
That simple refrain transforms the whole Genesis account into a story of love. Too often we think of original sin, yet it was not always so. Prior even to sin, there was original goodness. All that exists is fundamentally good because it springs from the will of God, He who is goodness itself. He speaks out of love, and life comes forth.
In his Chronicles of Narnia series, C.S. Lewis draws the reader into the miracle of creation through a passage detailing the beginning of Narnia. Before anything, there was a darkness so thick and entire that it didn’t matter whether one’s eyes were open or closed. Then a voice begins to sing, very quietly at first, and the first glow of light breaks through the darkness; and as the voice grows stronger and louder, the rest of creation slowly unfolds to view. The voice, of course, belongs to the Christ-figure of Narnia, Aslan.
To enter this scene is to partake of the divine love that sings the world into being. I remember feeling an intense desire to know this mysterious voice that had brought forth light from darkness, trees, and plants from the ground, as well as intelligent creatures. All of it throbbed with goodness because the divine voice had given it life. So, too, may we take to prayer this powerful icon of original goodness, and we may rejoice in knowing that though the world is broken and fallen, it retains its core of goodness, for God has looked upon it with love.
Your article allowed me to hear and feel the creation story from a new perspective – from God’s love for all that He created; and to be so loved, warmed my spirit, made me smile and not be so afraid of all the dismantling and hate that is now happening under a new political administration. Why do I feel this way – because if God created everything and declared it as good; I too can look more closely for the good all around me, give thanks to God more often and have greater hope for God’s goodness, through acts of kindness by us who profess to be Christ-like, to prevail during times of hatred and evil and injustices being done to God’s creation – people and the earth.