The Mystical Contemplation of Ezekiel

In the dramatic and mysterious vision described in Ezekiel 1:4-28, the prophet Ezekiel is
confronted with a theophany—a Mystical experience of God’s presence that defies our
complete human understanding.
The vision is filled with vivid imagery: a stormy north wind, a great cloud with a raging
amber fire, and four living winged creatures with faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and an
eagle -all emerging as guardians of the divine abode. Above them is seen God’s throne
with the image of a Lapis Lazuli deep blue sapphire stone, on which sits a Majestic
Figure resembling a man, radiating a brilliance that underscores the glory of God.

A Mystical Contemplation

Ezekiel’s religious experience as described in this Passage seems to have all the
elements of a Mystical Contemplation. It is Passive, Ineffable, Noetic and Transient.

Passive – The Mystic is not in control of the experience. We see here that Ezekiel is a
passive observer who has no input in being able to alter or guide his vision. It comes to
us with words such as “As I looked …” and “Then I heard …” In short, the prophet
records the vision as guided by God, who put His hand upon him.

Ineffable – An ineffable experience is difficult to describe using ordinary language. The
person who experiences the contemplation generally has to resort to an analogy or
religious terminology. Consistently, symbolism is overflowing in a description that
challenges the reader who can only speculate regarding the intensity of what Ezekiel
The four living creatures, for instance, appear to represent ancient views of creation
with the qualities of wisdom, strength, service, and transcendence. Later, others would
behold these symbolic creatures as describing the four evangelists as not just guardians
of God’s throne but guardians of God’s Word, in the person of Jesus and His Gospel.

Noetic – A Mystical Contemplation must impart some kind of Knowledge that is gained
apart from the senses and transmitted by God. Here we behold a theophany of the Holy
Trinity. A vision of God appearing human, with His Word that speaks in the presence of
the Shekinah glory cloud that represents the Holy Spirit. While the senses see the
vision, this particular Knowledge must be revealed by its supernatural source.

Transient – Finally Ezekiel’s experience is transient in that it lasts a short time before he
returns to normal. Mystical Contemplations are not permanent and frequently when
concluded return the mystic to her prior natural state.

Meditation versus Contemplation

Mystical Contemplation is God generated, choosing as He wills the properly chosen
recipient. Such was the case with Ezekiel for the purpose of uttering a prophetic
message to His people during the Babylonian exile. Yet, as we progress in holiness, we
should desire such a contemplative communion, if it be God’s will.
Meditation differs from Contemplation in that with meditation the recipient actively seeks
knowledge through an action. It could take the form of meditating before the blessed
Sacrament, or as with Lectio Divina meditating on a Scriptural Passage to seek greater
understanding. It can also be the result of diligently meditating on a Mystery of the Holy
Rosary while praying the decade. The knowledge attained is a consequence of the
seeker’s pursuit.

Greater Inquiry?

For those who wish to understand more about Mystical Contemplation, consider internet
articles on William James’ study of the Mystical experiences of Saint Teresa of Avila,
and her profound acquaintance with the mystery and majesty of God.

[Readings: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Mt 17:22-27]

Jerry DeMelo Jr.

Mr Jerry DeMelo, Jr OP is a life-long Catholic and life professed Lay Dominican. A graduate of the Naval Academy, he served in the US Submarine Service. He is presently a Judicial Officer in California. Jerry enjoys Catholic Pilgrimages, teaches a weekly Bible study as well as the Diaconate formation program for the Diocese of Fresno. Mr DeMelo is on the Board of Directors of Gratia Vobis Ministries.

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