On the Rosary: Sword and Shield

I am amazed that you are so quickly forsaking the one who called you by the grace of Christ for a different gospel (not that there is another). But there are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the Gospel of Christ. (Gal 1:6-7)

Paul begins his letter to the Galatians with this sobering warning about the grave danger of leaving the true Faith for a corruption of it. From the Church’s earliest day, she has been faced with enemies from within who start and lead others into heresy which pervert the Faith. These enemies have proved to be just as damaging as those who persecuted the Church from without. God has providentially provided the answer to this threat in today’s feast: Our Lady of the Rosary. Since its start with St. Dominic on his missions against the great heresy of his day, the Rosary has proved to be a strong fortress and unstoppable weapon in defending and promoting the Faith!

The Secret of the Rosary

The Rosary is a prayer given to us by our mother, so it is given with a mother’s gentleness and consideration. There are no complex practices required to pray it. Only simple prayers that even a child can know. The mysteries she provides for us to meditate on are scenes that easily lend themselves to be drawn in one’s mind. It only takes around 10 minutes to pray it devoutly.

Yet, this holy prayer was also crafted with a mother’s wisdom. Within these holy mysteries are encompassed so many truths of the Faith. Our Lord’s divine origin. The Son of God’s humble birth as a man. His simple hidden life. His sorrowful agony and passion. A glorious triumph over death, the throne we are all called to in heaven! Modeled for us also is a vast array of virtues for our imitation. It is no wonder that the saints have spent their lives delving into these mysteries and never reached the bottom!

The Sword and Shield

This date was chosen for the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary to commemorate the Catholic victory over the Muslims attempting to invade Europe. This victory was obtained through praying the Rosary. Mary stepped in to defend Christendom then from physical danger. Likewise, she is always ready to step in to defend and fight for souls in spiritual peril. The saints and the magisterium abound with calls to pray the rosary and praise for its effectiveness in obtaining conversions and ensuring perseverance.

Finally, I join my voice to theirs and encourage you to take up the practice of a daily rosary. Or, renew your fervor in this practice if you have it already! It is a great practice to take up as a family. And its powerful and saving effects are attested by many. “Never was it known that any fled to [her] protection […] was left unaided.” (Memorare)

[Readings: GAL 1:6-12; LK 10:25-37]

Connor Szurgot

Through his reversion to the Faith at the end of high school, Connor experienced first hand both the power of grace and the intellectual rigor of the Church’s teachings. He continued to grow his knowledge during his college studies at NC State, where he was also blessed to meet his future wife. He now lives in Raleigh, NC with his beautiful wife and young son, where he is a parishioner of St. Luke the Evangelist. He is excited to give to others some of the fruit that God has given to him and hopes that it can help those who read it grow in holiness. Email: [email protected]

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