Supernatural Over the Natural

The Passage: “While Jesus was speaking, a woman from the crowd called out and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you nursed.” Jesus replied, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” Lk 11:27-28.

The Source of Blessedness

How often I have heard non-Catholics describe Mary as a vessel, or only as simply another holy woman like many others in Scripture. In reality, one cannot blame Martin Luther or John Calvin, or any of the early Protestant Reformers, for they held Mary in deep respect and adhered to the traditional belief that she remained ever Virgin and sinless.

The desire to look for dirt on Mary, seems to be primarily a culturally American phenomenon. Many read the above passage as either a rebuke of His mother or by minimizing Mary’s role -but is that the true view of her Son?

Elevation of Status

Far from a rebuke, Jesus’ words elevate and clarify the source of her unique dignity. The woman in the crowd expressed a natural reaction of praise for the mother who brought forth such an extraordinary Son.

Jesus, however, redirects the praise to highlight a deeper spiritual truth; he is certainly not rebuking his mother. Rather, Jesus points out that Mary’s true blessedness stems not simply from her physical motherhood, but rather her perfect “fiat” -her wholehearted “yes” to God’s will.

When pondering the words of Mary’s Magnificat: “From now on all generations will call me blessed” we note Mary knew she was blessed even before her Son was born, and that the Holy Spirit inspired Luke to record her awareness in his Gospel. Lk 1:48.

Trusting God

Imagine an unmarried betrothed virgin, saying Yes to God’s will that she become pregnant from a source other than her betrothed. Her Yes to the Archangel exposed her to death by stoning. Nevertheless, she declares: “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Lk 1:38. She “hears the word of God and observes it” as Jesus confirms when correcting the woman in the crowd.

Obedience of Faith

Saint Paul opens and closes his most Catholic Epistle, written to the Romans, with the proposition that the primary ministry of his Apostleship was to bring about the “obedience of faith.” See Rom 1:5 and 16: 26.

Jesus, through Luke, challenges us to move beyond superficial admiration of her natural motherhood, to a deeper understanding of Mary’s role in God’s plan and to follow her example of faith and obedience. She is exhibit ‘A’ of those who seek to hear God’s word and obey it, even if necessarily at the risk of martyrdom.

A Righteous Conclusion

Mary had complete trust in God and obedience to His will. As she pondered the fruits of her obedience, she treasured all those things in her heart. Lk 2:19. Her life bears testimony to her obedient faith. As Mother of the final Davidic King, she is forever a Gebirah, Queen Mother, and a powerful intercessor according to the Davidic dynastic tradition. cf.: 1 Kings 2.

Scripture offers the best verdict. Let us end as we began: The almighty has done great things for her, ALL generations will call her Blessed. Lk 1:48.

I personally have a strong devotion and love for the Virgin Mary. I have pondered being before Christ on my judgment day and hearing Jesus ask me, “Yes, … but did you love her more than you loved Me?”

As I hesitate and perhaps lower my head nervously, knowing Christ already knows the answer, I visualize seeing a smile, “… don’t worry Jerry, you can’t possibly love her more than I do!”

So, thank you Lord for the gift of Your mother to all of us who have taken her into our homes as You wished. Jn 19: 26-27.

[Readings: GAL 3:22-29; LK 11:27-28]

Jerry DeMelo Jr.

Mr Jerry DeMelo, Jr OP is a life-long Catholic and life professed Lay Dominican. A graduate of the Naval Academy, he served in the US Submarine Service. He is presently a Judicial Officer in California. Jerry enjoys Catholic Pilgrimages, teaches a weekly Bible study as well as the Diaconate formation program for the Diocese of Fresno. Mr DeMelo is on the Board of Directors of Gratia Vobis Ministries.

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