In today’s gospel reading, John tells Jesus that the apostles had seen someone driving out demons in Jesus’ name and tried to prevent him “because he does not follow us.” Jesus replies that the person should not be prevented from doing good in His name “for whoever is not against us is for us.”
It is not clear what is meant by someone who “does not follow us.” Does this mean the person was not a baptized follower of Christ, or had no faith or a different faith, or believed in Christ’s teachings but was not an apostle or disciple? Doing the good “in my name” suggests the person is an adherent of Christ in some way and acknowledges his authority – if such a person’s devotion is a “work in progress,” is he still able to do good works in the name of Christ?
St. Thomas Aquinas
In such situations, especially for relative novices in the faith such as myself, it pays to turn to learned elders for their thoughts on the matter. St. Thomas Aquinas was no slacker, so I referred to his Catena Aurea (golden chain), a wonderful compilation of the commentary of Church Fathers on the gospels, translated into English by Sir John Henry Newman.
Citing St. Bede the Venerable, writing in eighth century England, Catena Aurea suggests that John was being somewhat defensive of our Lord, being as devoted as he was to Him, in suggesting that “outsiders” had no right to cast out demons in Jesus’ name. St. Bede goes on to comment that Jesus by his response shows that He prefers to encourage the good in the person and the potential for further spiritual growth (“no one is to be driven away from that partial goodness which he possesses already, but rather to be stirred up to that which he has not as yet obtained.”)
Another historical author cited in the Catena takes a slightly different view of John’s motivation, “It was not from jealousy or envy, however, that John wished to forbid him who cast out devils, but because he wished that all who called on the name of the Lord should follow Christ and be one body with His disciples. But the Lord, however unworthy they who perform the miracles may be, incites others by their means to believe in Him, and induces themselves by this unspeakable grace to become better.”
Catholic Answers
It also never hurts to consult 21st century authority. Catholic Answers observes that “many elements of sanctification” that are proper to the Catholic Church are operative, by God’s grace, “outside of its visible structure” and work “toward Catholic unity.” The publication goes on to say, “The dispositions and faith of such a person may be imperfect, but his miracles are a commendation of Christ and his teaching. Unlike the Scribes and the Pharisees who were [seemingly] irreconcilable in their opposition, he is making common cause with the disciples. And so, we work with other Christians and others of goodwill wherever possible and pray that we are ultimately all one as Jesus and the Father are one (John 17:20-23). (Catholic Answers Q&A (, citing Lumen Gentsium and A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture).
In the modern context, it seems that the most relevant examples of this would relate to activities of non-Catholic Christians, who we acknowledge can accomplish great good in the name of Christ and in recognition of His authority, while we continue to pray for unity in the church He established.
Thank you, Elders and Experts!