Called to Evangelize

Called to Evangelize

By our baptism, we are called to share in the threefold ministry of Christ: as king, prophet, and priest. Today’s liturgy emphasizes this special calling and the need to embrace the prophetic mission in our contemporary world, aligning with the mission of Gratia Vobis Ministry (GVM): “To inspire, foster spiritual growth, and equip individuals and…

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Focus on What Truly Matters

A conversation on chastity and mastery over pornography

A conversation on silence, chastity, and self-mastery. A heart that seeks God turns us into pilgrims, journeying toward a complete revelation of the divine. The prophet Elijah epitomized this seeker’s spirit as he journeyed across the desert to Mount Sinai (or Horeb), the mountain of God. There, in a cave, he encountered the divine presence…

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Saint Matthias, Apostle

Lessons from Saint Matthias

Saint Matthias, the Apostle chosen to replace Judas Iscariot among the Twelve Apostles, stands as an example of faith, obedience, and readiness to serve. His story, though brief in the New Testament, carries significant lessons for believers. One notable aspect of Saint Matthias’ life is his willingness to step into a role of great responsibility.…

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Advocating Faith: Overcoming Ignorance and Doubt

Celebrating the Living Christ: Our Advocate. On this third Sunday of Easter, the Church invites us to celebrate the living Christ, who is our advocate. Through his death and resurrection, he advocates for us. Ignorance and doubt keep us in fear and darkness, while Christ illuminates and strengthens our faith. Ignorance and its Consequences The…

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Moving God through Prayer: Lessons from Moses

The story of Moses’ interceding for the Israelites after their grievous sin with the golden calf reveals profound insights into the nature of prayer and its power to move God. Four key qualities in Moses’ life stand out as essential for such impactful prayer. Desiring God’s Exaltation Moses exemplified a deep desire for God’s person…

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Ash Val Day

Ash Wednesday/ Valentine’s Day: As the New Year feel of January wears off and February brings us Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day, it is a time to reflect on how we think about love and its role in our lives. How can those who are celebrating look at their celebration from another perspective? How can…

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Called By Name

I have called you by your Name. Just like the boy Samuel was called, so was I. Not an audible voice on my ears, but intensely in my heart, which made me run to my dad in his room in the early hours of the day to declare my intention for seminary formation. “I have…

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Help Is Available

Finding help is often difficult. Many people walk alone with problems that are facing them. No one can be found to help them deal with bad situations in their life. Isaiah quotes God in saying that He is taking hold of their hands and helping them. God tells Israel to not fear, despite what is…

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The Enigma of Death

The “Useless/ Foolish” View: We look at death from different perspectives. The month of November is dedicated to praying for our faithful departed and also preparing for the time of the Lord’s visitation. It is important that we learn to face death and the process of dying that lead to it, with the light of…

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Mary’s Holiness and Maternity

While Jesus was speaking, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you!” But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!” How do you respond to Luke 11:27-28? This verbal exchange…

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