Unless Your Faith is Firm

Finding Strength in Firm Faith

Today’s Gospel is not one often quoted as a favorite. It contains the reproaches of Jesus to the faithless. We hear: “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida!” Honestly, our first thought when hearing this may be: “Glad I am not one of those two towns!” However, to do so would be missing the…

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Mysterious Seeds

The parable of the mustard seed

A seed is not something we typically associate with mystery or magnificence, but it is the analogy Jesus uses, not once but twice, in today’s Gospel. Let’s take a closer look at his first analogy:  “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed…

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No Greater Love

Understanding and Doing God's Will

Doing God’s will is the path of oneness in God. And Oneness in God is the only path to oneness in the world. Most would agree that unity is a noble goal, but at times, in the pursuit of unity, times of division are inevitable. Take for example the first reading today. Paul is brought…

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Filled & Satisfied

How to know who God is

When we have eaten an amazing meal, we feel content as we linger over good conversation and a glass of wine. To be full means that nothing is lacking. It evokes a sense of satisfaction. No longing or desire for more is left. In a sense, it is completeness. If we have over-eaten at a…

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Areas of Refuge

At the Catholic school where I work, we recently had to do a severe weather drill with the students led by our Campus Director of Safety and Security. There were defined spaces within the building which were determined to be ARs – Areas of Refuge. Part of the protocol for this drill was to ensure…

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Self-Giving Living

Close shot of an old woman hands on her knees

Lent is indeed a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, yet how easy it is to get caught up in these practices externally without thought to the internal preparation. In today’s first reading, Isaiah calls out the people for this: Lo, on your fast day, you carry out your own pursuits and drive all your…

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Sabbath Living

Memorial of St. Peter Claver, Apostle to Africans Enlighten Me LORD

The beginning of a year has always been a great time to reflect on how we are living and making resolutions to help us attain goals – perhaps to be healthier, have a greater work-life balance, and to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ. Let us take time today to reflect on what Jesus…

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Advent Prophets

The Lord Restores His People By Fr. Sylvanus Amaobi

A prophet has a special role in Salvation History. His main role is to be a mouthpiece for God. In order to be effective, he must enter into the grittiness of everyday life with God’s people to wake them up and call them back. The word Advent means “coming” so it is a fitting word…

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The Kingdom of God

The Lost and Found Posted By Tristan Evans

In this Gospel passage, Jesus gives some practical advice to help his followers stay on the right path. He begins by offering a warning about staying grounded in the truth of what the words “Kingdom of God” truly means. Let us consider three points we can draw from this short passage: 1. To find the…

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Sign Seeking

Turbulent cloud

Sometimes discerning the will of God can feel like a treasure hunt. How can we know what God wants us to do in this or that situation? What is He asking of us today? These questions may range from a pivotal life decision to more common scenarios from our day-to-day lives. How often we may…

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