St. Luke, the Evangelist

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

St. Luke the evangelist can be particularly dear to us because he is the “evangelist of Our Lady.” Only from him did we get handed down to us the accounts of annunciation, visitation, the scenes of Christmas, and the presentation in the temple of Jesus. And we can say he is the evangelist of the…

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Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Going through the first reading today, I had a mental flashback to when I was growing up as a young boy in a family of 7 children. I remember the usual daily “moral instructions” from our parents then. My dad, a retired elementary school teacher, would often use this phrase, “As my father used to…

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Good Christians and Politics

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

In today’s first reading, Jotham’s apologue presents us with a great lesson on the concept of leadership and why good people should take up the responsibility of governance. He tells the story of the trees, who want to make a king for themselves. Evidently, the trees in this story have a high concept of leadership:…

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Summer: Not Vacation from the Faith

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

It is wise and dutiful to alternate adequate times and spaces for rest from one’s usual routine of activities, after having dedicated oneself to a particular project or studies. Jesus proposed this idea of rest to the group of Twelve. Those called for the first time– “apostles” (Mk 6:30a). We read about this rest in…

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Jesus Alive with His Holy Wounds

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

The Gospel of Luke 24:35-48 presents us Jesus’ visits to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus and their mood before and the during the visit. The disciples were in difficult days mixed with fear, disappointment, doubt and anxiety. Then the Risen One, Christ, presents himself among them. How do they react? Shocked, terrified…

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Intercession and the “Weakness” of God

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

The First Reading of today tells the story of Moses who enters into dialogue with God to “sweeten the face of the Lord”. In doing this, he implements two strategies. Firstly, Moses decisively refuses to receive preferential treatment with respect to a community of which he feels he is a member and pastor. He prefers…

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Self-Renunciation: The First Step for a Fruitful Lent

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Last Sunday after the 10:30am Mass, someone walked up to me seeking clarifications to some questions, which I guess, have been troubling his mind after the announcement of the commencement of Lent.  The question began, like many do, with the reminder for the mortification: “Excuse me, padre, for what I am about to say. But…

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Fast When Necessary and Rejoice When Necessary

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Wedding ceremonies are usually joyous moments for both the celebrants and the invited guests. Everything about a wedding ceremony – the dress, the venue, the cake, the lights, the reception, the music – speaks of happiness, love and joy. Invited guests try to adapt to wedding-guest etiquette as much possible. This is all about trying one’s…

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The Lord Comes to Liberate Us

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

When I was still in the Seminary, one of the songs that I enjoyed so much was the famous “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”. It evoked some sentiments of joy in me whenever it was rendered there in the Seminary chapel during liturgical celebrations. One of the main reasons I enjoyed the song then was…

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Praising God with the “Four Living Creatures”

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

A typical Catholic Church building usually has the walls and windows adorned with great artistic designs and symbols, whose spiritual meaning a casual visitor may not immediately grasp. They are not simply for decoration; many of them are representatives of the different mysteries of our Christian faith, while others reflect some imagery descriptions found in…

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