Days Of Our Lives

The Canticle of Hezekiah: Lessons in Gratitude and Faith

What would you do if 5500 days were added to your life? King Hezekiah is granted a 15-year extension to his life, and he responds with a magnificent hymn of gratitude and thanksgiving. The apostles face the wrath of the persnickety Pharisees, but Our Lord defends them while reminding them and us that we should…

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Prophetic Succession

Elijah and Elisha: lessons in prophetic succession and faithfulness

Today we are regaled by a tale of prophetic succession that has no little significance for us, we too are anointed as prophets from the moment of our baptism. Elijah invites his protégé Elisha to ask him for a parting gift just before his departure and Elisha boldly asks for a double portion of his…

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“May The Force Be with You”

The Holy Spirit and the gifts

Today is the great feast of Pentecost. After the time of fulfillment for Pentecost was completed, we hear, the apostles are filled with the Holy Spirit. They are changed men and would go on to fulfill the mission entrusted to them by Jesus on Ascension when He commanded them to go to the ends of…

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Feast of Heaven and Earth

In today’s liturgical offerings, we witness Saul taking a Fall that enables him to soar to the highest of heights, stirring, enkindling, and igniting the hearts of many as he immediately sets out in proclaiming the Good News. Jesus does not flinch in the face of the disbelieving Jews, and the Bread of Life discourse…

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Joseph’s Amen

Gratia Vobis Ministries, Inc.

Today the Church celebrates the solemnity of Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster father of Him who would comprehensively fulfill the titles of Son of David and Son of God. The Second Reading reminds us that the Promise flows to all of us because the Gift is freely given to…

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Today’s readings are perfectly timed, seeing how we are at the very start of Lent. The LORD reminds us that a judgment awaits us on the last day. And we will be judged on every human interaction we have had and a bit more worryingly, those pesky errors of omission. For Our God takes everything…

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The Lord’s Anointed

On tap for today’s reflection is the compassion shown by David towards King Saul who is hunting him down with the aim of truncating his life. Finding the king at his mercy, David overcomes an initial temptation of killing his oppressor, and immediately has remorse and spares his life. David shows us how we must…

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Stirred by the Spirit

The Greatest Gift By Brett and Taylor Akins

In our readings today, we are privy to the wondrous good fortune about to fall upon Zechariah, Manoah, and their barren wives. Zealous but childless, they were resigned to their fate only to find God had other plans for them, those that led them out of despair and disgrace to play pivotal parts in Salvation…

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The Mercy Seat

As the liturgical year winds to an end, we are reminded about the truths of the judgment that is to come. As the feast of Christ the King draws near, may He reign supreme in our lives and would that the petty kingdoms of our human fabrication dissolve as we assume more and more fully…

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Salvation is in Christ

Today’s power word is righteousness – as in the Righteousness of God. It is manifested by the redeeming action of Jesus Christ, the one and only Savior of Humanity. God’s divine righteous or justifying action in Christ is there for all believers. It declares the guilty innocent. All have sinned and are doomed to destruction.…

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