The End, and the Beginning

Christian, church identity in culture

The Feast of Belshazzar by Rembrandt1 Daniel answered the king:“You may keep your gifts, or give your presents to someone else;but the writing I will read for you, O king,You have rebelled against the Lord of heaven.You had the vessels of his temple brought before you,so that you and your nobles, your wives and your…

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Martyrdom is not popular, much less nowadays. Martyrdom is nonetheless, in a sense, the essence or heart of Christianity, even though only “a few” have endured it. The Church continues its path amidst martyrdom and celebrates it as we do today on the solemnity of St John the Baptist who gave his life as a…

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During the past two or three weeks the gospels of the Mass have shown us contrasts. There are contrasts between Christ and the leaders of Israel, contrasts between those who are willing to follow him and those who close their hearts to the Gospel message, contrasts between the healing power of God and human illness,…

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