A Risen Savior

He must rise again from the dead (Jo 20: 9) Beginning with this simple statement, that Christ must rise again from the dead, Aquinas, pouring out all his affection for the mystery of the Risen Lord says, that there are five things to be noted:2 1. The infinite goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ 2.…

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A Forgotten Devotion…?

Old man and a woman with their baby

“Devotion to St. Joseph was a hallmark of St. Teresa of Avila. Teresa attributed her miraculous cure to Saint Joseph. When she was living in the Incarnation Convent in Avila, she was struck with an ailment that left her half-dead. She was paralyzed and was presumed dead at one point. She prayed and prayed to…

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Jesus Christ King of the Universe1

When all the elders of Israel came to David in Hebron, King David made an agreement with them there before the LORD, and they anointed him king of Israel. (2 Sam 5: 3) Writing about the saints of the Old Testament, Archbishop Fulton Sheen says that “David was the forerunner of Our Lord’s Kingship.” After…

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Feast of St. Matthew

When I think of the feast of St. Matthew, I am immediately drawn back to Caravaggio’s painting located at the Church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome, which I visited recently, again, with some friends from the United States. I will not repeat myself here, but I would like to reflect on an aspect…

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Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom. (Mt 11: 25)

The word of God is a treasure which offers abundant material for personal meditation. For example, today’s first reading from the prophet Jeremiah could guide us to reflect on the soul as bride of the Lord God, the divine Spouse; the responsorial psalm on the mercy and justice of God, as well as on Him…

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